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29.04.2021 03:52 •  Английский язык

Відповісти True / False на питання до тексту нижче Over 300 million people take holidays abroad every year, and a recent survey has shown that they would rather cut back spending on food and clothing than spend less on holidays. Choosing the ideal holiday is not always easy, but in this day and age there is a wide range of choice, and you should be able to find something to suit your taste and pocket.
Some people like planning their holiday independently, while others prefer to book a package. It depends on where you’re going, how much money you have, and whether you’re travelling alone, or with friends or family.
The obvious advantage of a package holiday is that it’s simple to organize. You book the holiday through a travel agent, and transport, insurance and accommodation are all arranged for you. All you have to do is pay the bill. If you take an independent holiday, on the other hand, you can spend a lot of time and a small fortune checking complicated timetables, chasing cheap flights, and trying to make hotel booking in a language you can’t even speak. What is more, package holidays are often incredibly cheap. For the price of a suit, you can have a fortnight in a foreign resort, including accommodation, meals, and air travel. A similar independent holiday, however, can work out much more expensive.
Yet the advantages of planning your holiday yourself are considerable. You are free to choose exactly where and when you want to go, how you want to travel, and how long you want to stay. You can avoid the large resorts, whereas holiday-makers on package tours are often trapped among crowds of other tourists. You can eat the food of the region at reasonable prices in local restaurants, while they are served with “international” dishes and chips with everything. Besides, although package holidays are usually extremely good value for money, they are not always cheaper. If you’re willing to take a little trouble, you may be able to save money by fixing up a foreign holiday yourself.
All things considered, I would prefer to plan my holiday independently. In my view, it’s safer to do it yourself!

Task. True or False Statements
1. People prefer to spend their holidays abroad.
2. People prefer to reduce their spending on food than on holidays.
3. It is only a travel agent who can choose a place for holiday for any holiday-maker.
4. In case of an organized holiday people book a package.
5. Both organized and independent holiday planning have advantages and disadvantages.
6. A travel agent is responsible for a package holiday.
7. An organized holiday-maker must speak a foreign language.
8. An individual holiday-maker has no right to choose an expensive resort.
9. Package holidays are usually cheaper than individual ones.
10. Package holiday is the synonym to holiday abroad.

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09.01.2022 16:37
This New Year was very special for every guest that came to our house!Since the begining of the party was very nice,full of joy and fun,no one could predict such ending..First guest entered our house at 8 p.m. and changed the atmosphere completely,we all started running around the house,trying to settle all things.mom was still cooking the dishes and was pretty worried about being late with it!Kids were decorrating the house,since we did all the decorations few days before,still kids were trying to give it a new look:)Dad and uncle were discussing something very important as it seemed to me at the very begining,but when i came closer i understood they are just trying to decide who will go to the shop to buy some things that we have forgotten! 
In 1 hour with half when all dishes were ready and the kids stolen all the candies from the new year tree,the rest of the guests came..We were really happy with the celebration untill one incident,that spoiled our mood amd made us laugh at the same time!After 2 hours of celebrating some guest went outside,mom went to reheat some food,kids were lying under the new year tree already,hiding the papers from the candies..and only our naughty dog Jack was left in the room!! 
After few minutes when everyone came back,we could not recognise our room and table!What happened?But when we looked at Jack we understood who was the reason of that mess in the room...Happy Jack was lying just near the table with a chicken leg in his mouth,and with a plump belly...I started laughing:"Happy New Year,Jack!"
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29.06.2020 14:13

                                         When I was ill

Three weeks ago I fell ill. When I woke up, I felt awful. I had a terrible headache, a stuffy nose and aching muscles in my arms and legs.

I took my temperature — it was 38.7, so I decided to call the doctor. The doctor came to see me two hours later. She listened to my heart and lungs and took my temperature. It was still high. I told the doctor that I felt weak and extremely tired. The doctor said it was the flu and told me to stay in bed and drink a lot of water, juice or lemon water. She also prescribed me some medicine that I had to take two times a day.

I was ill for ten days, although I felt much better on the fifth day. When I got well enough, I went to see the doctor once again, and she said I could go to school after the weekend. She also advised me to get a flu shot every year.

Три недели назад я заболела. Проснувшись, я чувствовала себя ужасно. У меня сильно болела голова, был заложен нос и болели мышцы рук и ног.

Я смерила температуру - было 38,7, поэтому я решила вызвать врача. Врач пришла ко мне через два часа. Она послушала мое сердце и легкие и измерила мне температуру. Температура все еще была высокой. Я сказала врачу, что чувствую слабость и сильную усталость. Врач сказала, что это грипп, и велела мне оставаться в постели и пить много воды, сока или воды с лимоном. Она также прописала мне лекарство, которое мне нужно было принимать дважды в день.

Я проболела десять дней, хотя чувствовала себя намного лучше уже на пятый день. Когда я поправилась, я снова пошла к врачу, и она сказала, что я могу пойти в школу после выходных. Она также посоветовала мне делать прививку от гриппа каждый год.

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