Вариа и ответа (1, True), 2. False), 3. Not stated Christmas
One of the greatest holidays in Britain is Christmas. People pay great attention to its sy nbols. Starting
fio m the front door till the food on the table you an find a lot of evid a ce of their love
Who has not heard about Christmas stock ing s? It is said that one night Santa flew over the chimney and
droppa e me gold coins into the so dks hung to get dry. So now ev ay year popleput sto dkings above the
fireplace and wait for surprises.
The Christmas tree is also apart of this holiday. We can see a star on the top of it sy mbolizing Bethlch em
star which revealed the birth of Jesus.
Today almost everyone knows «Jingle Bells) or «Merry Christmas» songs. The word «carol» means
<<ongsof joy». So, singing so me joyful carols at Christmas night can bring you a lot ofhappiness,
Oneof the sweet sy mbols is a candy cane It is a caramel can e-sh a od stick, white and red. It reminds the
later << 1) according to the name of Jesus Christ.
Thus the British give a special meaning to many things to celebrate this holiday
6. Sledges areone of the most famous symbols of Christmas in Britain.
1. True 2. Fase 3. Not stated
7. Every year peopleh ang stock ing only to make them dry at Christmas.
1. True 2. False 3. Not stated
8. The British put Christmas tree in their gard ans.
1. True 2. Fase 3. Not stated
9.Singing Christmas songs bringspople a lot of fun.
1. True 2. False 3. Not stated
10. The shapeof candy can e sy mbolizes joy.
1. True 2. False 3. Not stated
I was walking along the (busy) street when I saw a crowd not far from the (dangerous) entrance of a building. I was (curious) to know why people were so nervous. I peeped over the (stout) shoulders of a young man and I saw a (beautiful) dog in front of the enormous building. It seemed as if it was waiting impatiently for its master. The passers by were (afraid) of the shiny, (sharp) teeth that it showed when it grinned. An (angry) lady suggested to call the police to put an end to the situation which she did immediately. A (large) policeman soon appeared in a (grey) uniform. He made a call and soon the situation was under control.
США расположена в центральной части материка Северной Америки между двумя океанами: Атлантическим с запада и Тихим с востока. Канада на севере, а Мексика на юге и это единственные страны имеющие границы с США. США состоит из трёх частей. Это Гавайские острова, Аляска и ещё одна часть. США имеет 50 штатов. Они разного размера, популяции и экономического управления. Наименьший штат - остров Роуд, а наибольший - Техас. Площадь США более 9 млн кв км., а популяция более 230 млн человек. США большая страна и в разных местах она имеет разный климат. Здесь много больших городов: Нью-Йорк, Филадельфия, Хьюстон, Чикаго, Детройт, Лос-Анджелес и другие. Правительство делится на три ветви: конгресс, президент и Верховный суд. В США существует только две полит. партии: демократическая и республиканская. Срок правления президента 4 года и он не может избираться более двух раз.