Hurricane «John»or Typhoon «John» - tropical cyclone, which was formed in 1994 and became the most long-lived tropical cyclone, as well as tropical cyclone, which has passed the maximum distance for the time of my life over the entire observation history. This tropical cyclones formed during the violent oscillation of the El Nino phenomenon of 1991-1994 and reached a category 5 on a scale Саффира-Simpson scale. This path of tropical cyclone amounted to 13 280 km and stretches from the East of the Pacific ocean to the West of the Pacific ocean, and was completed on 31 days[1]. As John existed in the two basins, he is one of the few tropical cyclones, which are called as a hurricane and Typhoon. For a long time in his life John is practically not met land, had only a small effect on the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll.
Ураган «Джон»или тайфун «Джон» — тропический циклон, сформировавшийся в 1994 году и ставший самым долгоживущим тропическим циклоном, а также тропическим циклоном, который наибольшее расстояние за время своей жизни за всю историю наблюдений. Этот тропический циклон сформировался во время сильной осцилляции Эль-Ниньо 1991—1994 годов и достиг 5 категории по шкале Саффира-Симпсона. Путь этого тропического циклона составил 13 280 км и протянулся с востока Тихого океана до запада Тихого океана, и был пройден за 31 день[1]. Поскольку Джон существовал в двух бассейнах, он является одним из немногих тропических циклонов, которые называются как ураганом, так и тайфуном. За долгое время своей жизни Джон практически не встретил суши, оказав лишь незначительной эффект на Гавайские острова и атолл Джонстон.
Hurricane «John»or Typhoon «John» - tropical cyclone, which was formed in 1994 and became the most long-lived tropical cyclone, as well as tropical cyclone, which has passed the maximum distance for the time of my life over the entire observation history. This tropical cyclones formed during the violent oscillation of the El Nino phenomenon of 1991-1994 and reached a category 5 on a scale Саффира-Simpson scale.
This path of tropical cyclone amounted to 13 280 km and stretches from the East of the Pacific ocean to the West of the Pacific ocean, and was completed on 31 days[1]. As John existed in the two basins, he is one of the few tropical cyclones, which are called as a hurricane and Typhoon. For a long time in his life John is practically not met land, had only a small effect on the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll.
Ураган «Джон»или тайфун «Джон» — тропический циклон, сформировавшийся в 1994 году и ставший самым долгоживущим тропическим циклоном, а также тропическим циклоном, который наибольшее расстояние за время своей жизни за всю историю наблюдений. Этот тропический циклон сформировался во время сильной осцилляции Эль-Ниньо 1991—1994 годов и достиг 5 категории по шкале Саффира-Симпсона.
Путь этого тропического циклона составил 13 280 км и протянулся с востока Тихого океана до запада Тихого океана, и был пройден за 31 день[1]. Поскольку Джон существовал в двух бассейнах, он является одним из немногих тропических циклонов, которые называются как ураганом, так и тайфуном. За долгое время своей жизни Джон практически не встретил суши, оказав лишь незначительной эффект на Гавайские острова и атолл Джонстон.
A British police officer is subject to the law and may be sued or
prosecuted for any wrongful act committed in carrying out duties.
Police discipline codes are designed to prevent any abuse of the
considerable powers enjoyed by a police officer, lo ensure the
impartiality of the service in its dealings with the public and to maintain
public confidence. Statutory procedures, including an independent
element, govern the way in which complaints from the public against
the police are handled. The establishment in 1985 of the independent
Police Complaints Authority, with powers to supervise the investigation
of any serious complaint against a police officer, substantially
reformed the complaints system in England and Wales. In Scotland
complaints against police officers involving allegations of any form of
criminal conduct are investigated by independent public prosecutors.
In Northern Ireland the Independent Commission for Police
Complaints is required to supervise any case involving death or serious
injury and has the power to supervise the formal investigation of any
other complaint if it so wishes; in certain circumstances the Secretary
of State may direct the Commission to supervise the investigation of
matters that are not the subject of a formal complaint.
Police work ranges from the protection of people and property,
road or street patrolling (the trend is increasingly away from the car
patrol and back to 'community' policing on foot) and traffic control to
crime prevention, criminal investigation and arresting offenders. In
urban areas, particularly, police officers have to deal with social
Most forces have community liaison departments to co-ordinate
their efforts to produce good relations with the community. The
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 requires arrangements to be
made for obtaining the views of people in the area about the policing of
it and for obtaini