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07.03.2023 20:31 •  Английский язык

Vi. предложения сделайте отрицательны­ ми и скажите, что действие будет выполнено в будущем. образец: the demand for the company's products grows from year to year. -> the demand for the company's products does not grow from year to year but it is going to grow in the near future (in the years to come, next year). 1. private benefits of education grow every year. 2. my pay grows regularly. 3. the government increases taxes every year. 4. the manager evaluates the work of the company every month. 5. the government provides subsidies for farmers. 6. the company improves machinery produced by them every year. 7. students get scholarships both from the government and from private firms. vii. измените следующие предложения, употребив гла­ гол в форме страдательного залога. образец: society is increasing the role of education. -> the role of education is being increased. 1. the company is making its factories more efficient and profitable. 2. some banks have given scholarships to students. 3. university teachers do research. 4. education improves both skills and knowledge. 5. last year the factory introduced a new technology. 6. museums require government support. 7. the university has raised the level of teaching. 8. the government is raising the level of financing education. viii. раскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в нужном времени, в форме действительного или страдательного залога. 1. his pay just (to raise). 2. the taxes (to fall) last year. 3. my english (to improve) since last year. 4. macroeconomics (to study) economy as a whole. 5. knowledge (to increase) by means of research. 6. my father just (find) a new job. 7. when a man (to learn) his skills (to improve). 8. there (to be) creative and non-creative jobs. 9. if the government (to spend) more money on higher education more young people (to go) to university. ix. вставьте в пропуски слова в нужной форме: skill, creative, so, benefit, besides, task, scholarship, stable, stability, various, job, avoid. 1. a lot of university students , most of them work. 2. the growth of trade between the two countries is 3. what are the of the job? 4. of society is very important for fast economic growth. 5. i want to have a good i chose economics as my profession. 6. there are jobs on the labour market. 7. not every man will cope with work. 8. the of this course is to improve your reading and in english. 9. their task is any risk for their company. x. замените слова в скобках на эквивалент. 1. stability of society depends on the level of education and ( многих) other factors. 2. there are not (так много) risks in manufacturing as in agriculture. 3. ( мало) countries in the world have very high living standards. 4. it is necessary to evaluate (много) factors in order to predict what will happen in future. 5. there are (меньше) buyers today than yesterday. 6. the bank has introduced (мало) new services recently. 7. it is necessary to learn (много) to have (так много) knowledge. 8. when the university had some financial difficulties, it got (мало) support from the company.

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13.12.2021 12:57
My favorite day of the week is Sunday, because it is a free day. You can sleep and not have to go to school. But one drawback delat need lessons. I also like Sunday on the TGO that with my girlfriends we often go to the cinema, entertainment or just go for a walk . Most zamechatelno Monday on what can sleep and sleep can be long ! I love Sunday. I sometimes come to visit and other relative who give me nice gifts and we have a wonderful day! More on Sundays I play computer and other games. It happens that my output is issued not very successful and interesting , but I always find something to do . Sometimes I sit down at the table and draw or sit by the window and watch what is going on in the street. I love when that day I devote a lot of attention. Evening mom brings me candy and various goodies . Sunday I spend differently, despite what my mood. I love Sundays. I want them to last forever and never finished ! !

926 / 10000РУССКИЙМой любимый день недели воскресенье, потому что это бесплатный день. Вы можете спать и не надо ходить в школу. Но один минус нужно делать уроки. Я тоже люблю в воскресенье на ТГО, что с моими подругами мы часто ходим в кино, развлекательные или просто пойти на прогулку . Самое замечательно в понедельник о том, что можно спать и спать можно долго ! Я люблю воскресенье. Мне иногда приходят в гости и другие родственники, которые дарят мне приятные подарки и у нас замечательный день! Больше по воскресеньям я играю в компьютерные и другие игры. Случается, что мой выход выдается не очень удачные и интересные , но я всегда нахожу чем заняться . Иногда я сажусь за столом и рисовать или сидеть у окна и смотреть, что происходит на улице. Я люблю, когда в этот день я посвящаю много внимания. Вечером мама приносит мне конфеты и разные вкусности . Воскресенье я провожу по-разному, несмотря на то, что мое настроение. Я люблю воскресенья. Я хочу, чтобы они вечны и никогда не закончил ! !
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01.10.2020 16:18

1. Misiz Jeykobs is olweys intefering in zings zat dont kansern her.

2. Hi is olweys piking fayts wiz his neybos! Its diffikult tu make frends wiz him.

3. May cazin rilly gets on may nervs! Hi tinks hi nows everizing!

4. Josh is olweys showing of end seying haw gud hi is at everyzing.

5. Itz tyupikal of him tu pat ze bleym on ozers.

6. His pernts ar ekstrimli plisd wiz his progres.

7. Syu is veri popyular wiz her frends.

8. Aur mom teyks gud ceyr of as. Wi ar clous/nir tu her.

9. Ayv got e greyt kannekshn/ rileyshnship wiz may brazer. Wi nevr hav argyuments.

10. Wen Jon meyks/givs a proms hi nevr breyks it.

11. May parnts didnt let mi stey aut leyt wen ay was at skul.

12. Shi olweys relays on her femily for help end support.

13. His grandparnts dont apruv/ of ze wey hi dresz

14. Her parnts objekt/ tu her steying aut leyt

15. Ay dont rilly now/ Stiv. Wi smayl end sey hellou bat azerways wi stik tu aurselvs.


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