Vocabulary 1 a) Circle the house words. B А т н коом G A R A G E N 0 OK | T C Η Ε Ν H | L K S T Y R A A B E B E D R O o M L E D S Τ Ε Α Ν LG A R D E N N
Recycle, recycle, and recycle. If we all do a small part, like turning the water off when we're brushing our teeth or clean out a jar of jelly and keep loose change in it, or just turning off the lights in rooms that no one is in, or maybe ridding a bike to school/work. If you're not a fan of biking, make a carpool with your friends.
There are still more that a billion ways to save the planet, and if you want to see your own children grow up on this earth, just do a small part, just a tiny little part once every day and if everyone else does too, slowly but surely, we'll save the planet.
Preserve habitats! Stop bulldozing land for parking lots and shopping malls!
Always turn off the water, or lights when you aren't using it, if the water from the sink or the shower leaks, try to stop the leaks. Draw or write on both sides of paper and recycle it. Also, recycle plastic, paper, and cardboard. Instead of taking the bus or car and wasting tons of gas, ride your bike and heal the earth! Stop cutting down trees! Cutting down trees is very terrible because: trees gives you oxygen, and oxygen is one of the reasons you're reading this. Don't forget to play outside once a day if it's not raining, turn off the TV, and the computer when not in use. Also reduce the amount of things that you use and reuse things like plastic bottles.
how people can save the earth
Recycle, recycle, and recycle. If we all do a small part, like turning the water off when we're brushing our teeth or clean out a jar of jelly and keep loose change in it, or just turning off the lights in rooms that no one is in, or maybe ridding a bike to school/work. If you're not a fan of biking, make a carpool with your friends.
There are still more that a billion ways to save the planet, and if you want to see your own children grow up on this earth, just do a small part, just a tiny little part once every day and if everyone else does too, slowly but surely, we'll save the planet.
Preserve habitats! Stop bulldozing land for parking lots and shopping malls!
Always turn off the water, or lights when you aren't using it, if the water from the sink or the shower leaks, try to stop the leaks. Draw or write on both sides of paper and recycle it. Also, recycle plastic, paper, and cardboard. Instead of taking the bus or car and wasting tons of gas, ride your bike and heal the earth! Stop cutting down trees! Cutting down trees is very terrible because: trees gives you oxygen, and oxygen is one of the reasons you're reading this. Don't forget to play outside once a day if it's not raining, turn off the TV, and the computer when not in use. Also reduce the amount of things that you use and reuse things like plastic bottles.
If you buy our NEW pocket calculator ,it will become your best friend in learning Maths!
(Если Вы купите наш новый карманный калькулятор , то он станет вашим лучшим другом в изучении математики)
If you buy electric toothbrash "WhiteSmile", all boys will fall in love with you!
( Если Вы купите элект. зуб .щетку "Белозубка" все парни повлюбляются в вас!)
If you buy our new laptop "ILap" , even owners of Apple company will envy you!
( Если Вы купите наш новый ноут , даже владельцы компании Эпл будут вам завидовать)
If you buy radio alarm clock "Good morning Sweety", the happy mornings will end!
( Если Вы купите будильник "Доброе утро солнышко" , счастливые утра закончатся )
If you buy our new food mixer "Mr Mixer" , you will not be able to tell apples from cheese
( Если Вы купите наш миксер Мистер Миксер, то вы уже не сможете отличить яблоко от сыра )