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10.01.2022 04:08 •  Английский язык

1 Complete these sentences about school. The first letter for each word is given.
0 My brother wants to go on a gap year and travel to Asia.
1 I go to our Drama Club m s on Thursdays.
2 We play football on the sports f when it's warm.
3 I always have Information T on Monday.
4 It's ten past eight. You're l again – the lesson starts at eight!
5 My mum works at a m school – she teaches boys and girls.
6 Maths is much easier with a c .
7 You can’t l school until you are 16 in my country.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. You can use some of the verbs more than once.
be do get pass wear
0 I usually do my homework right after school.
1 In some countries, only boys an education.
2 You finished first in the running trial – you should proud of yourself.
3 You must get 50 points out of 100 to this exam.
4 Our school is so big that new students usually lost.
5 Mr Smith's exams are very difficult – I often badly.
6 We a uniform at my school: a white T-shirt and black trousers.
7 You should good at foreign languages – your Mum is French!

3 Choose the correct word or phrase, A, B or C, to complete the dialogue.
0 A: What are you learning about in your C lessons?
B: The English kings and queens of the 19th century.
A Physics B Geography C History
1 A: I'd like some information about the museum.
B: Certainly, ?
A what would you like to know
B are there any discounts for groups
C how much does a family ticket cost
2 A: Which sports do you like?
B: I love because I like playing it with my friends.
A hockey B sailing C snorkelling
3 A: Is the Science lab at your school good?
B: It's great. We can do lots of there.
A skills B subjects C experiments
4 A: Who decides which extra activities you can do at your school?
B: I think it’s the teacher.
A main B head C boss
5 A: Is there a programme in your country?
B: Yes, and lots of students use it before university.
A year out B miss a year C gap year
6 A: Where did you go on your last school trip?
B: We had a of a science museum.
A shown tour B guided tour C open tour

4 Complete the sentences with was / wasn’t, were / weren’t or could / couldn’t.
0 How old were you in 2005?
1 Mrs Stewart my Art teacher last year.
2 you drive last summer?
3 The children sad a moment ago but they're crying now. What's wrong?
4 your museum ticket very expensive?
5 We go swimming last year but now we've got a new swimming pool.
6 How old you in that photograph?

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29.04.2021 07:02

London is really an old city. It has existed for two millennia. It is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The river Thames is a jewel of the city. About 9 million people live in London. It is situated on a 1,580 square kilometers.

Лондон действительно старый город. Он существует на протяжении двух тысячелетий. Это – столица Объединенного королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Река Темза является украшением города. Около 9 миллионов людей живет в Лондоне. Он раскинулся на 1,580 квадратных километров.

The capital is a vast financial centre of the country. London is one of the largest and the busiest ports of the world. The city is divided into 32 parts32 parts..

Столица – огромный финансовый центр страны. Лондон один из наибольших и самых загруженных портов мира. Город делится на 33 части.

The City is in the centre, but it is only a small area of it. This part is the business sector of the capital. There are many offices and firms here. The Bank of England is in the City.

Сити находится в центре, но это только небольшой его участок. Эта часть – деловой сектор столицы. Здесь находится много офисов и фирм. Банк Англии расположен в Сити.

Besides, there are a lot of famous buildings and monuments. One of them is St. Paul’s Cathedral. You can see statues of outstanding British people: Wellington, Nelson and others in it. Another celebrated architectural masterpiece is the Tower of London. It was a palace, a zoo, a fortress and a prison at different times. The Tower is a museum now.

Кроме того, здесь много известных строений и памятников. Один из них – это собор Святого Павла. В нем можно увидеть статуи выдающихся британцев: Веллингтона, Нельсона и других. Другим прославленным архитектурным шедевром является Лондонский Тауэр. Он был дворцом, зоопарком, крепостью и тюрьмой в разные времена. Сейчас Тауэр – это музей.

Westminster is the aristocratic district of the capital. People like to visit it because of it historical places. There are the Houses of Parliament in the Palace of Westminster. Big Ben is the famed clock. It is situated here too. Westminster Abbey is a wonderful church. It’s almost 1000 years old. Practically all the rulers of Great Britain were crowned and buried here. There are the graves of well-known people, such as Darwin, Kipling and Newton. There are memorials to Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, and Longfellow in the Poet’s corner. Also you can find Buckingham Palace in Westminster, which is the residence of the The Quenn.

Вестминстер – это аристократический округ столицы. Люди любят посещать его из-за его исторических мест. В Вестминстерском дворце находится дом Парламента. Биг Бен – это известные часы. Они также находятся здесь. Вестминстерское аббатство – прекрасная церковь. Ей почти 1000 лет. Здесь практически все правители Великобритании короновались и были похоронены. Здесь находятся могилы таких известных людей, как Дарвин, Киплинг и Ньютон. В уголке поэтов расположены памятники Шекспиру, Бернсу, Байрону и Лонгфелло. Также в Вестминстере можно найти Букингемский дворец, который является резиденцией королевы.

The district of London called Soho is famous for its restaurants. Visitors can enjoy the cuisine of different counties. There are many offices of the biggest film companies too.

Район Лондона, названный Сохо, знаменит своими ресторанами. Посетители могут насладиться кухней разных стран. Также здесь много офисов наибольших кинокомпаний.

The poorest district of the capital is the East End. But it is very important for the country, because the Port of London is situated here.

Самый бедный округ столицы – это Ист Энд. Но он очень важен для страны, потому что здесь находится порт Лондона.

The West End is the richest district of London. English celebrities live here.

Вест Энд – самый богатый район Лондона. Здесь живут английские знаменитости.

There are many museums in London. The British Museum is the richest one, because it has unique collections of manuscripts, antiquities and books. The largest art galleries are: the Tate Gallery, the Royal Academy of Arts, the National Gallery.

В Лондоне много музеев. Британский музей – самый богатый, потому что имеет уникальные коллекции манускриптов, антиквариата и книг. Наибольшие художественные галереи: галерея Тейт, Королевская академия искусств, Национальная галерея.

The city has a considerable number of theaters. Almost everyone has heard about the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and the Royal Opera House.

Город имеет немалое количество театров. Почти все слышали о Королевском Шекспировском театре и Королевской опере.

It is an important educational centre. There are the best higher educational establishments in the world. They are: the British Academy, the London University and others.

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07.05.2021 21:35

он хочет сказать что компьютер очень важная штука без неё в жизни не прожить Она понадобится и в школах И на работе и в лицеях если ты знаешь как пользоваться компьютером тут организованы совершенный человек и тебе будет легче пройти курсы там лицеев например. без компьютера ты никто


He wants to say that a computer is a very important thing in life without it. It will be needed in schools And at work and in lyceums, if you know how to use a computer, a perfect person is organized here and it will be easier for you to take courses there, for example. you are nobody without a computer


название :computer is our life


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