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Vocabulary 2 Complete the sentences. (5 marks)
1 He v at a homeless charity twice
a week.
2 They made a d to a charity last
3 I p people to sign the petition
4 We need to s those who are poor.
5 I am going to p against the waste
of food by supermarkets.
3 Match the adjectives in the box with the
definitions. (10 marks)
brave clever confident fair generous
honest kind organized patient sympathetic
A person who 1
1 treats everyone equally:
2 is intelligent:
3 always tells the truth:
4 is willing to do dangerous things:
5 feels sure about their own ability:
6 gives people more than they need to:
7 shows that they care about someone’s
8 waits for others and doesn’t get angry:
9 plans their work carefully:
10 cares about others:
Language focus
4 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
1 Your donations could / perhaps / mustn’t
change their lives.
2 She can / must / couldn’t get an award for her
courage. She’s very brave.
3 Perhaps / Could / Might he will need our help.
4 The situation perhaps / may / can get better if
we continue our campaign. We’re not sure.
5 He must / couldn’t / can’t be at home. He isn’t
opening the door.
6 Helping other people can’t / perhaps / can
make you feel good.
7 I can’t find my wallet, but it can / might / must
be here somewhere. I had it a while ago.
8 When you help a charity, you could / may / can
not benefit personally, but you will feel good.
9 Could / Perhaps / Might something nice will
happen to you today.
10 The government can / mustn’t / may take action
because a lot of people have signed the petition. 5 Complete the second conditional sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
(5 marks)
1 If people smiled more, the world
(be) a nicer place.
2 If shops (sell) ‘ugly’ fruit,
would you buy it?
3 She (stop) bullying in schools
if she had the power.
4 If people didn’t sign petitions, the government
(not know) how they felt.
5 I (donate) some money if I
found a charity I wanted to support.
6 Write sentences with the second conditional
sentences. (10 marks)
1 I find someone in danger / call for help

2 they do nothing all day / get bored

3 you not have any money / what / do / ?

4 the charity not advertise / not get any money

5 we go on the website / find out more information

Fighting for change
Bibi was studying in Kathmandu, Nepal, forty miles
away from her family home when there was an
‘When I came home to my village, I saw how very sad
everyone was,’ she explained. ‘When I arrived, the
community was living in big tents. Everyone was in
one place, so there was a lot of noise. People were
terrified of the wind and the rain. However, they
believed it was better to try to wait patiently for help.’
The earthquake destroyed 500,000 homes and 16,000
schools, and 8,000 people lost their lives. After seeing
the damage, brave Bibi wanted to help her village.
‘If we didn’t move on, we would continue to live in
fear. I encouraged my family to build a proper shelter
so my brother and father got the wood. Then I realized
that it wasn’t just my house that was important. I
wanted to help my community, too, so I started
volunteering.’ Two years later, Bibi, who has kindly
and generously given up all her time, is still working
to rebuild her village.
In the future, Bibi wants to help build safer homes for
more families across her country. While other young
people have decided to move abroad, Bibi feels it’s
important that she stays and helps her country. ‘This is
the time Nepal needs its young people the most.’
7 Read the article. Then complete the sentences.
Use two words for each sentence. (10 marks)
1 Bibi to her village.
2 Other young people have decided to
3 The community was living in
after the earthquake.
4 She has and given up
her time to work as a volunteer.
5 People were scared of the and the

Показать ответ
24.06.2021 20:32
1. Although the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world, it is in danger of becoming extinct if it continues to be killed for its skin.
2. The children were frightened by the story. It was about ghosts, witches and evil spirits.
3. Derek crashed his mother's car, and now they can't go on holiday. It  cannot be repaired quickly, because the front end had been knocked into the wheel, making it unmoveable.
4. Yesterday we had a surprise party for Albert's birthday. While Mary was taking him to a show, we gathered at his apartment. When they returned home, Albert was surprised to see all there.
5. The scandal is certain to be reported in all the newspapers. The president will have a difficult year.
6. Joan is an example of someone who can beat the odds. In 1980, she was told she had six months to live because she had cancer. After exercise, dieting and positive thinking she has been recently informed that she has beaten the disease.
7. This newspaper is published by an Italian company. It always has interesting stories.
8. Rice has been grown in this area for hundreds of years, but now the government is tryiing to find an alternative crop because rice did not make much profit last year.
9. My shoes were made in Italy, but I bought them in France last May.
10. The Queen  has not been seen since last July. The newspapers say that she is sick, but most people do not believe it.
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07.10.2022 21:11
1)Когда я приду домой,я позвоню тебе. When I come home, I'll call you.
2)Если я увижу его завтра,я отдам ему эту книгу. If I see him tomorrow, I'll give him this book back.
3)Он обрадуется,если мы скажем ему об этом. He will be happy, if we tell him about it. 
4)Мы поедем в Париж на следующей неделе,поэтому мы покупаем сейчас билеты. We are going to Paris next week, so now we are buying the tickets.
5)Я надеюсь,что они завтра будут дома. I hope that they will be at home tomorrow.
6)Когда он не позвонит?-Он позвонит,как только у него будет время. When will he call?- He'll call as soon as he has time.
7)Завтра моя сестра пойдет в кино,если купит билеты. Tomorrow my sister will go to the movies if she buys tickets.
8)Если вы пойдете за покупками,купите мне кофе. If you go shopping, buy me some coffee.
9)Когда она придет в школу,она будет внимательно слушать учителя. When she comes to school, she will listen to the teacher attentively.
10)Он согласится,если мы пригласим их в театр. He will agree with us, if we invite them to the theater.
11)Я терпеть не могу,когда он так разговаривает. I hate when he talks such way.
12)Послушай,как хорошо она поет. Она перестанет петь,если услышит,что вы разговариваете. Listen, how well she is singing. She'll stop singing when she hears you're  talking.
13)Она часто смотрит телевизор,но сейчас она не смотрит его,она читает книгу. She often watches TV, but now she isn't watching it, she is reading a book.
14)Моего брата сейчас нет дома.Оставьте ему записку. My brother's not st home right now. Leave him a note.
15)Отправьте мне письмо,если поедете в Германию. Send me an email if you go to Germany.
16)Когда мне понадобится я по их мне. When I need any help, I'll ask them to help me.
17)Он должен закончить свои дела перед тем,как уедет. He must finish his business before his departure.
18)Вы все еще надеетесь,что они вам позвонят? Do you still hope they will call you?
19)Она думает,что мы ей как только сможем. She thinks we'll help her as soon as we can.
20)Если найдешь мои ключи,верни их мне. If you find my keys, give them back to me.
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