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05.04.2020 16:44 •  Английский язык

Вопрос №151 V1 Their concerts always sell out quickly. We should buy our tickets …. advance.
a) on
b) by
c) at
d) is
e) in
Вопрос №152
V1 Julie wanted to meet the boy … sent her an email.
a) he had
b) which had
c) had
d) that had
e) has
Вопрос №153
V1 Marie and Jackie haven’t spoken since they fell … with each other last year.
a) out
b) over
c) away
d) down
e) up
Вопрос №154
V1 The books “Harry Potter” have been translated … 60 languages.
a) of
b) about
c) out
d) into
e) on
Вопрос №155
V1 Our English exam was so easy! It .
a) broke the ice
b) crossed my mind
c) was a piece of cake
d) was a pain
e) wasn’t a pain
Вопрос №156
V1 Please, turn off the music, the children …
a) just have fallen asleep
b) has just fallen asleep
c) had asleep
d) have just fallen asleep
e) has asleep
Вопрос №157
V1 Can I have stamps, please?
a) some
b) a
c) an
d) any
e) more
Вопрос №158
V1 … in Moscow for 15 years or more?
a) Have you been living
b) Have you being living?
c) Have you been lived?
d) Did you live
e) Did you living
Вопрос №159
V1 I usually have biscuit and cup of coffee at 11 a.m
a) a/some
b) a/a
c) some/some
d) a/any
e) an/some
Вопрос №160
V1 He always has egg for breakfast.
a) a
b) an
c) any
d) the
e) or
Вопрос №161
V1 Do you like ?
a) cook
b) to cook
c) cooked
d) cooking
e) have cooking
Вопрос №162
V1 One noun does not go with the verb “play”. Which one?
a) games
b) a part
c) the piano
d) yoga
e) baseball
Вопрос №163
V1 “ you your teacher?” - “Yes, he is a good man.”
a) Would / like
b) Do / like
c) Did / liked
d) Are / like
e) Did/likes
Вопрос №164
V1 Would you like apple or strawberries?
a) a / any
b) any / any
c) a / some
d) an / some
e) a/any
Вопрос №165
V1 What is Hannah worried …?
a) at
b) it
c) about
d) an
e) into
Вопрос №166
V1 Do you like homework ?
a) making
b) do
c) does
d) Did
e) doing

Вопрос №167
V1 I have got a book _... Stephen King.
a) for
b) from
c) in
d) is
e) by

Вопрос №168
V1 Help me my homework.
a) to
b) of
c) about
d) with
e) is
Вопрос №169
V1 I’m going … stop smoking next year.
a) -
b) to
c) at
d) into
e) of
Вопрос №170
V1 Do you often look …words in the dictionary?
a) for
b) after
c) at
d) up
e) over
Вопрос №171
V1 One noun does not go with the verb “do”. Which one?
a) a photo
b) exercises
c) research
d) the shopping
e) the housework
Вопрос №172
V1 Are there chips?
a) Any
b) an
c) some
d) a
e) the
Вопрос №173
V1 Have you read the new book written Stephen Hawking?
a) by
b) of
c) with
d) ‘s
e) in
Вопрос №174
V1 Do you get … well with your boss?
a) out
b) on
c) off
d) back
e) or
Вопрос №175
V1 Who do you take … in your family?
a) off
b) up
c) after
d) turn
e) away
Вопрос №176
V1 She ……… a uniform.
a) wear
b) wears
c) wearing
d) to wear
e) has wearing
Вопрос №177
V1 He _ his car every weekend.
a) washes
b) wash
c) washing
d) washed
e) have washing
Вопрос №178
V1 We are happy together, … we?
a) are
b) did
c) do
d) aren’t
e) have
Вопрос №179
V1 My dad ……_ at 7 o’clock everyday.
a) stands up
b) looks up
c) jumps up
d) gets up
e) jumping
Вопрос №180
V1 Isabel is a flight attendant. She passengers.
a) serve
b) to serve
c) serves
d) serving
e) have serving
Вопрос №181
V1 .… I wouldn’t ignore those letters.
a) If you were me
b) If I were you,
c) When I am you
d) If I was you
e) If you been me
Вопрос №182
V1 Jim’s a postman. He letters to people.
a) answers
b) works
c) delivers
d) serves
e) gives
Вопрос №183
V1 We … done our course project yet.
a) haven’t
b) are
c) was
d) have
e) is
Вопрос №184
V1 There must be a problem this software.
a) just
b) with
c) in
d) on
e) at
Вопрос №185
V1 Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He all over the world.
a) goes
b) sees
c) delivers
d) travels
e) gives
Вопрос №186
V1 In winter Sheila skiing and in summer tennis.
a) makes / plays
b) does / plays
c) goes / plays
d) starts / *
e) play/ do
Вопрос №187
V1 My friend’s son Turkish and English at university.
a) has
b) plays
c) studies
d) goes
e) walks
Вопрос №188
V1 Most of the people work at 8 o’clock every morning.
a) finishes
b) does
c) starts
d) goes
e) reads
Вопрос №189
V1 A:……. does Tony Blair live?
B: In Great Britain.
a) When
b) What time
c) Where
d) How
e) Which

Показать ответ
17.02.2022 22:37

One day in the summer, in the middle of the day, our very, very homey and so cowardly cat fell out of the open window. It was not high, plus a rose window is small, but very green tree.
We learned that the cat is not at home, and on the street, almost immediately - by terrible screams somehow beyond the grave, a denunciation of the yard. We immediately rushed to the window ... That's what we saw.
Our cat hanging on a tree, caught in a branch. Branch under his weight bent almost to the ground, so - it hangs close to the ground, and his eyes bulging, screaming wildly. And around him a circle sitting all local homeless cats and looking at it carefully.
Went out, ripped it from the poor Screwtape tree (with branch) and brought home.

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17.02.2022 22:37

My favorite animal - a cat. Since my childhood I wanted to have a cat. Finally, my dream has come true - I came home a Siamese cat Kuzia. In Kuzi light brown muzzle, dark ears, feet and long striped tail flexible elongated body, large round head, on the face bristling mustache, beard and bright blue eyes. Eye color changes when he is angry or threatening, the pupils are then red, then green. The cat's ears always alert, they capture the slightest rustle.
    Kuzma - whimsical animal. If he has a good mood, he plays, allows themselves to be stroked, allows other animals to eat from his bowl, but if he has a bad mood, he warns about this kind of meow, then it is better not to touch. Kuzma serious, game-cat. When we were in the village, he fought with all the cats. The first in a fight he does not enter. At first, he seems to be warned: howling nasty voice. Almost a hundred and eighty degrees turn neck, his hair stands on end, and the tail "turns" in the dissolved bristly brush. Pity the opponent does not have. He fights for as long as the enemy does not take flight. Kuzma - very clever cat. He learned how to open the refrigerator legs, cabinet doors. If the front door is not closed on the lock, it will hang up on the handle until the door opens. Kuzma likes to watch television, to hunt lizards, frogs and birds. Still, he is very kind and loves his cat owners. I really like our cat.

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