The waters of the Atlantic Ocean wash the USA in the east and the waters of the Pacific Ocean wash the country in the west.
2. The United States territory consists of three separate parts.They are: the main part, the United States proper; Alaska, which occupies the north-western part of the continent of North America, including a lot of islands and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
3. There are many mountains especially the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Cordillera in the west.
4. So the lakes are now accessible to ocean-going vessels from the Atlantic via the St. Lawrence Seaway.
5. Because of such a huge size of the country the climate differs from one part of the country to another. The coldest climate is in the northern part with the temperature 40 degrees below zero in winter, the south has a subtropical climate with the temperature about 49 degrees in summer.
ВЗЯТЬ УРОК ПО СЕРФИНГУ НА БОНДИ-БИЧ! Что лучшего места, чтобы научиться серфить, чем на этом знаменитом один-километровом пляже? Двухчасовой Групповой урок научит вас, как понять условиями для серфинга и практиковать свою технику, прежде чем попасть в воду. Или если вам не по душе серфинг, вы всегда можете покататься на роликах или скейтборде или просто отдохнуть в модном кафе.HAVE A SURFING LESSON ON BONDI BEACH! What better place to leam to surf than on this famous one-kilometre-long beach? The two-hour group lesson will teach you how to understand surfing conditions and to practise your technique before you get into the water. Or if you don't fancy surfing, you could always go rollerblading or skateboarding or simply relax in a trendy cafe.
The waters of the Atlantic Ocean wash the USA in the east and the waters of the Pacific Ocean wash the country in the west.
2. The United States territory consists of three separate parts.They are: the main part, the United States proper; Alaska, which occupies the north-western part of the continent of North America, including a lot of islands and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
3. There are many mountains especially the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Cordillera in the west.
4. So the lakes are now accessible to ocean-going vessels from the Atlantic via the St. Lawrence Seaway.
5. Because of such a huge size of the country the climate differs from one part of the country to another. The coldest climate is in the northern part with the temperature 40 degrees below zero in winter, the south has a subtropical climate with the temperature about 49 degrees in summer.
Что лучшего места, чтобы научиться серфить, чем на этом знаменитом один-километровом пляже? Двухчасовой Групповой урок научит вас, как понять условиями для серфинга и практиковать свою технику, прежде чем попасть в воду. Или если вам не по душе серфинг, вы всегда можете покататься на роликах или скейтборде или просто отдохнуть в модном кафе.HAVE A SURFING LESSON ON BONDI BEACH!
What better place to leam to surf than on this famous one-kilometre-long beach? The two-hour group lesson will teach you how to understand surfing conditions and to practise your technique before you get into the water. Or if you don't fancy surfing, you could always go rollerblading or skateboarding or simply relax in a trendy cafe.