Вправа 10. Перетворіть наведені нижче речення у Рassive Voice, змінюючи додаток на підмет. 1. They showed us some new devices. 2. They gave him a week to complete the experiment. 3. He told me the news yesterday. 4. They taught her English at school. 5. They pay them twice a month. 6. He told me some new facts about his investigation. 7. She gave me no time to think about it. 8. He promised me the book a long time ago. 9. The supervisor helps the graduate student in many ways.
Gorilla also used in various nutritional mineral supplements: eat, for instance, some types of clay, thereby compensating for the lack of salt in food. Drink gorillas hardly necessary: lush greenery already contains enough moisture. Waters and all the water be avoided whenever possible, and the rain nedolyublivayut.V nature gorillas live in the equatorial forests of west and central Africa, mountain gorillas - the slopes of the Virunga volcanic mountains covered by forests. Hold small groups consisting of a male-leader, several females and their cubs (from 5 to 30 individuals). They feed on plant foods, although the case is not averse and animals (mainly insects). Their massive jaws and powerful chewing muscles allow you to cope with any kind of vegetable food: crust, wood, stems, roots, and leaves and fruits.
Find the English equivalents of these words and phrases in the texts
in a broad sense, they learn skills, acquire knowledge about themselves, useful schemes, ways of learning, formal, informal, everyday life, for example, listening, trying, with good manners, ride a bike, give a phonecall, on their own initiative, bookshop, have exams, in most countries, early childhood, who isincharge, who is heading, in time, at about the same speed, classmates, must pass exams, diploma, evaluation of their success, gifted children, children with physical or mental disabilities, education for adults, continue after school, a large amount of money, citizens, general education, professional education, has as a goal, intelligent, responsible, well-informed, to pass a common cultural heritage, more than, trained professionals, primary education, lifelong learning, secondary schools, professional programs, carpentry, plumbing, professional training, individual, engineering, law