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24.03.2021 17:40 •  Английский язык

Вставить фразовые глаголы (see/sat) 1.don't do the washing up now, i'll see …… it later. 2.let's make an appointment to see…………. the property with the surveyor. 3.he thinks he's clever but i can see…………. his tricks. 4.you look after the children and i'll see ……………….the tickets. 5.we'll all come to the station to see you …………….. 6.he sets a little money every month. 7.as soon as the last guest had gone, he set ……………cleaning the flat. 8.when he finished university he set his own computer company. 9.he set out………………………..to become a millionaire before he was thirty. 10.we'll need winter coats now that the cold weather has set in…………….. 11.that leather jacket set me back…………. £300. 12.the sound equipment has been set……… ready for the concert. 13.the storm did a lot of damage and set construction back……………… by a week. 14.the gang of hooligans set bill on…………………him. 15 she set a committee to oppose the plans for the construction the new building.

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14.03.2022 09:02
Abai Kunanbaev - great poet, writer, public figure and founder of modern Kazakh written literature, reformer of culture in spirit of rapprochement with Russian and European culture on the basis of enlightened liberal Islam.

Abai was born August 10, 1845 in Chingiz mountains, Semipalatinsk region (under the current administrative division) from one of the four wives kunanbai, senior Sultan karkarala district. Abai's family was aristocratic, and grandfather (Oskenbai) and grandfather (Irgizbaya) dominated in his family as rulers and biys. He was lucky in the sense of family coziness and home care, as both mother Ulzhan and grandmother zere were extremely charming and gifted natures. It is with the light hand of the mother the father the name of "Ibrahim" was replaced by the hypocoristic "Abai", that means "circumspect, thoughtful". Under this name he lived all his life and went down in history.

Begun in early childhood introduction to the oral folklore of the people and home the training was continued mullahs in the madrassas of Imam Ahmad Riza. Simultaneously, he studied at Russian school and by the end of the five-year study began to write poetry. With 13 years Kunanbay starts to accustom Abai to administrative activity of the head of family. He had to understand the intergeneric disputes, quarrels, intrigues, and gradually he was disappointed to administrative and political activities, which led to the fact that at the age of 28 years, Abay departs from it entirely took up self-education. But for 40 years he is aware of his vocation as a poet and citizen, in particular, putting under the poem "Summer" is his name (he had previously attributed his works to a friend Zhantasova Kokay). Considerable impetus to the erection high potency of Abay at this point was his Association with the exiled Russian, with E. P. Mikhaelis, N. Dolgopolov, S. Gross. Abay's treatment of Russian culture in the nineteenth century experienced a period of "storm and stress" in literature and art, was the more natural that in the Eastern tradition, the poetic word was highly appreciated. Abai was closed to the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Goethe and Byron. He is in his transcriptions of the Kazakh subtly conveyed the spirit of the translated poems and adapted for attitude of the tribesmen.

For 20 years the blooms are extremely versatile genius of Abai, he gains extraordinary authority, huge and hitherto in the desert not seen the popularity. To it flock the akyns, singers, composers, crowding around him talented young people, creates socio-philosophical and literary schools.

But Abay as the dominant causes wild envy, the rabid animosity shown in the most artful forms. Last strokes of bad luck are connected with death of Abdrahman and magavi. He rejected treatment of an illness and has voluntary doomed itself to death. He is buried near his wintering in the valley zhidebai, near the Chingiz mountains, 60 year life.
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14.05.2022 05:21
My favourite town
I live in a wonderful, beautiful town. I love it very much. The name of my town is (город)

I have arrived to live in this town recently. I have lived in (город) before. (город )differs from big cities greatly. It is small and quiet. Life is measured, calm and kind. Everyone knows each other. People are kind, beautiful, native, close in my town. You don`t feel lonely here, as a rule it happens in big cities.

There are a library, a cinema, a palace of culture, a museum, a big sports hall and five schools in my town. Also there is a swimming pool in the sports hall. Children of my city like to visit it. There is a very beautiful central park. It is very beautiful in spring and summer. I like to have a rest, to sit on the bench and to read a book in the park. I like to walk on foot around the city, because I like to dream about my future.(город) is a magic place, especially in the evening. There are many old houses, monuments, small and narrow streets in the town. All these things create fantastic, mysterious atmosphere. I have met my love, my husband in this town.

(город) is the best town in the earth. And when I leave from it I always miss it very much. You can`t fall in love with my town.

Я живу в прекрасному, красивому місті. Я дуже кохаю його. Назва мого міста (город).

Я приїхала жити в це місто недавно. До цього я жила в (город). . (город )дуже відрізняється від великих міст. Він маленький і тихий. Життя розмірене, спокійне і добра. Кожен знає один одного. У моєму Місті люди добрі, гарні, рідні, близькі. Ти не відчуваєш себе самотнім тут, як правило це трапляється у великих містах.

У моєму місті є бібліотека, кінотеатр, будинок культури, музей, великий спортивний зал і п'ять шкіл. Також є басейн у спортивному залі. Діти мого міста люблять відвідувати його. Є дуже гарний центральний парк. Він дуже красивий навесні і влітку. Я люблю відпочити, посидіти на лавці і почитати книгу в цьому парку. Я люблю гуляти пішки по місту, тому що я люблю мріяти про майбутнє. Котово казкове місце, особливо ввечері. Є багато старих будинків, пам'ятників, маленьких вузьких вулиць в місті. Всі ці речі створюють казкову, таємничу атмосферу. Я зустріла свою любов, свого чоловіка в цьому місті.

(название города)найкраще місто на землі. І коли я їду з нього я завжди дуже сумую за ним. Ви не зможете не полюбити моє місто.
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