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Complete the email with one word in each gap.
Hi Connie,
Thanks for your email. It was really good to hear from you! (1) you say about the new medical centre they’re building near you is interesting. I think it will be great to have a big centre like that as (2) as it isn’t too big. If it’s enormous, then people will never see the same doctor and they’ll lose that personal relationship, which I think is so important. On the other hand, with a bigger centre they’ll be (3) to provide more advanced treatments without having to send people to hospitals. I wish they’d rebuild our local doctors’ surgery. It’s tiny! And if you want an appointment, you have to book two weeks in advance, if you’re lucky! I hate (4) to the doctor’s anyway, and it’s even worse when you have to wait in a small room, crowded with people who are coughing and sneezing. I think they should computerise things more too. If they (5) that, people wouldn’t always need to physically visit a doctor. They could talk to him or her online via a webcam, and that would save a lot of time and money. What do you think?
Write soon!
перевод: Я считаю, что большинство вещей в нашей жизни случаются по какой-то причине. Однако мы сами должны выяснить, по какой именно причине. Однажды у меня был очень странный день. С самого утра у меня была серия неудач. Для начала, я пролил целую чашку кофе на диван. Затем, я застрял в лифте, и одному из наших соседей пришлось вызывать техника. По дороге в школу я попал под велосипед. Соответственно, я опоздал на первый урок, за что был наказан завучем. На уроке географии я получил двойку. В итоге, я думал, что этот день никогда не закончится. Все, чего я хотел, так это вернуться домой, как можно скорее и смотреть мой любимый сериал. Мои друзья заметили, что я был довольно странным в этот день и спросили, все ли в порядке со мной. Я рассказал им о серии неудач, которые преследовали меня с раннего утра. Услышав это, моя подруга Лиза сказала, что у нее тоже было однажды такое грустное утро, но день изменился к лучшему ближе к вечеру. Она также сказала, что я должен сохранять спокойствие и игнорировать эти неудачи. Когда уроки закончились, я поспешил домой. Мои родители были еще на работе, поэтому никто не мог отвлечь меня от просмотра «Теории Большого Взрыва». Когда я пытался открыть входную дверь, то услышал странный звук, похожий на мяуканье. Присмотревшись, я увидел коробку среднего размера на газоне с небольшим, милым котенком внутри. Я был в полном восторге. Я давно мечтал иметь котенка, но никто мне его не дарил. Это был такой неожиданный сюрприз. В мгновение ока я забыл обо всех инцидентах, которые происходили со мной в течение дня. Все, чего я хотел, так это дождаться своих родителей и поблагодарить их за прекрасный подарок. Когда они вернулись с работы, они были тоже шокированы. К удивлению, они не покупали мне котенка, и мы так и не узнали, кто это сделал.
Abai was born August 10, 1845 in Chingiz mountains, Semipalatinsk region (under the current administrative division) from one of the four wives kunanbai, senior Sultan karkarala district. Abai's family was aristocratic, and grandfather (Oskenbai) and grandfather (Irgizbaya) dominated in his family as rulers and biys. He was lucky in the sense of family coziness and home care, as both mother Ulzhan and grandmother zere were extremely charming and gifted natures. It is with the light hand of the mother the father the name of "Ibrahim" was replaced by the hypocoristic "Abai", that means "circumspect, thoughtful". Under this name he lived all his life and went down in history.
Begun in early childhood introduction to the oral folklore of the people and home the training was continued mullahs in the madrassas of Imam Ahmad Riza. Simultaneously, he studied at Russian school and by the end of the five-year study began to write poetry. With 13 years Kunanbay starts to accustom Abai to administrative activity of the head of family. He had to understand the intergeneric disputes, quarrels, intrigues, and gradually he was disappointed to administrative and political activities, which led to the fact that at the age of 28 years, Abay departs from it entirely took up self-education. But for 40 years he is aware of his vocation as a poet and citizen, in particular, putting under the poem "Summer" is his name (he had previously attributed his works to a friend Zhantasova Kokay). Considerable impetus to the erection high potency of Abay at this point was his Association with the exiled Russian, with E. P. Mikhaelis, N. Dolgopolov, S. Gross. Abay's treatment of Russian culture in the nineteenth century experienced a period of "storm and stress" in literature and art, was the more natural that in the Eastern tradition, the poetic word was highly appreciated. Abai was closed to the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Goethe and Byron. He is in his transcriptions of the Kazakh subtly conveyed the spirit of the translated poems and adapted for attitude of the tribesmen.
For 20 years the blooms are extremely versatile genius of Abai, he gains extraordinary authority, huge and hitherto in the desert not seen the popularity. To it flock the akyns, singers, composers, crowding around him talented young people, creates socio-philosophical and literary schools.
But Abay as the dominant causes wild envy, the rabid animosity shown in the most artful forms. Last strokes of bad luck are connected with death of Abdrahman and magavi. He rejected treatment of an illness and has voluntary doomed itself to death. He is buried near his wintering in the valley zhidebai, near the Chingiz mountains, 60 year life.