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19.01.2020 09:04 •  Английский язык

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 1-5 обведите букву а, b или с,

соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды интервью ещё раз. Определите, какие из утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответ¬ствуют (False).

1 In New York George gets up at 8.15.

2 He meets his friends in Central Park.

3 George works in the evening.

4 His friends call him lazy.

5 He goes skiing in Aspen.

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответ¬ствуют (False).

оnce - однажды to sell (sold) - продавать

parrot – попугай hear (heard) - слышать

try – стараться, пытаться to be worth - стоить

teach (tought) – обучать buy (bought) - покупать

the same – одинаковый fool –глупый,дурак

At last – наконец throw -бросать

decide - решать right -прав

A story about a parrot

Once there lived a man who had a parrot. The man tried to teach the parrot to speak. But the parrot could learn only the phrase, “There is no doubt about it.” (в этом нет сомнения). The parrot always said these words and always gave the same answer. “There is no doubt about it”.

At last the man decided to sell (продать) the parrot. He went to the street and began to cry, “Twenty dollars for a very clever parrot!”

One woman heard this. She came up to the parrot and asked, “Are you worth twenty dollars?” The parrot answered, “There is no doubt about it”.

“What a clever parrot”, she said and bought the bird.

After some days the woman couldn’t listen to the parrot any more. She said, “What a fool I was to buy this parrot and throw away so much money. Twenty dollars!”

Then the parrot cried, “There is no doubt about it”.

This time the parrot was right.

True or false :

1. The parrot learned a lot of words.

a) true b) false

2. The man liked his clever bird so much that he decided not to sell it.

a) true b) false

3. The woman thought that the parrot was very clever.

a) true b) false

4. The parrot said the same words.

a) true b) false

5. The woman sold the parrot.

a) true b) false

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Грамматика и лексика

В заданиях 1-7 обведите букву A, B, C или D, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

1. They ………to school yesterday.

A. go B. went C. was going D. will go

2. Mr Green is English teacher.

A our B us C we D you

3. He is the ………. student in our form.

A. most kind B. kindest C. kinder

4. He goes skiing winter.

A very B ever C every D always

5. What time do you get up on school days?

A used B usual C use D usually

6. Franco like eating English breakfast.

A don’t B doesn’t C aren’t D isn’t

7. I to my grandma now.

A talking B talk C talked D am talking

РАЗДЕЛ 4. Письмо

You have got a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ian.

... We are planning to visit Spain in summer. I think it will be fantastic!

Where do you usually spend your holidays? What are your favourite holiday activities? How are you going to spend your summer holidays?

ответьте на во друга по переписке. Напишите 80—100 слов. Соблюдайте правила написания письма. Используйте образец:

Dear ,

Thank you very much for your letter. I’m glad you are going to in summer. As for me, I usually spend my summer by the .I enjoying,ing sport games and .My family and I are going to fly there by plane. It’s our favourite way of travelling.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,

РАЗДЕЛ 5. Говорение

Расскажи о своей семье по плану. Составь 8-10 предложений.

Talk about your family

Remember to say:

• how many people there are in your family

• speak about their names ,age, profession

• the place your family lives (country/city/village)

• what hobbies your family members have

• what the family does in your free time

Показать ответ
16.08.2021 18:06

1) было очень любезно с вашей стороны одолжить мне свою машину я правда


приходите вместе со мной в фильм, вам он действительно нравится я

конечно, и я не хочу идти один

3) с напарником будет сложно, другая команда действительно

сильный, но я думаю, ты сможешь победить, если действительно захочешь

4) Извините, но этот суп называется, не могли бы вы его изменить

5) Мне жаль, что ты провалил экзамен по вождению, я знаю

ты расстроен, но ты сделал только одну маленькую ошибку, а я

уверен в своем в следующий раз

6) Приятно видеть сегодня здесь так много вас,

концерт большое что пришли, надеюсь, вам понравится


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25.07.2022 05:07
In "War and Peace", a decisive moment in the explanation of Prince Andrew and his father of Natasha, Natasha, only one worried about, "Mom, it's not a shame that he is a widower?" - "Come, Natasha. Pray to God. Les mariages se font dans les cieux »(« Marriages are made in heaven "). So it and eventually leaves. Only it turns out that the heavens are not accomplished the marriage, and the other.Who first said, «Les mariages se font dans les cieux»? One of the first - Queen Margaret of Navarre (1492-1549), in the novel "On the two lovers" from the collection "Heptaméron". And then he added: "... but this does not apply to forced marriages," - then they were commonplace.In 1572, Princess Margaret of Valois was married to Henry de Bourbon, the future King Henry IV. The bride and groom were completely indifferent to each other, and their marriage ended in St. Bartholomew's night. Ten years later, Queen Margot wrote to one of his lovers, "Let no one tell me that marriages are made in heaven - heaven is not capable of such a terrible injustice."But the wisdom of the marriage and the sky is much older and Marguerite de Valois and Marguerite de Navarre. It appeared in the Midrash - Jewish interpretation of the Bible. The first treatise Midrash "Bereshit Rabbah" (interpretation of the book of Genesis) was compiled, probably in the V century BC It says: "Couples are selected in Heaven" (or, in another translation: "The couple is given to man from God"). Having said that the meeting of Rebecca and Isaac, her intended husband.You will also find an interesting story about the rabbi Ios bin Halafta, who lived in the middle of the II. BC A certain Roman matron asked him: "What does the Lord after created the world" - "Combines couples," - said the rabbi. "And this is his occupation? Yes it is, and I could have. " - "Do you think it's easy, but it is not easier for God than to push the water of the Red Sea." Matrona went home, put in a number of servants and a thousand thousand servants, and said, "So-and marry such and such and such and such will marry such and such." The next morning they were all battered and bruised - did not agree, so to speak, the characters.According to the treatise "Bereshit Rabbah", "in three different places of the Holy Scriptures stated that Heaven intend women to men." Proverbs: "House and wealth - inherited from parents, but a prudent wife - from the Lord." In Genesis, the marriage of Isaac with Rebekah, "From the Lord came this business." In the Book of Judges, Samson's marriage with the "woman of Timnath":. "This is from the Lord" However, Isaac, Rebekah lived with happily and family life Samson only as a disaster can not be called. Could Gd have been so wrong?And then it turns out that heaven arranging marriages have in mind their own objectives, which coincide with our not always. Isaac was to be the ancestor of the Jewish people, and Samson - to punish the Philistines. Thus the heavens and gave him a wife-Philistine that managed this week to quarrel with their relatives of the hero-warrior.In England and France, saying "Marriages are made in heaven," is already in the XVI century, it was supplemented by the words: "... and executed on the ground." (Variant of our contemporary Gennady Malkin: "... and executed at the place of residence"). Formula "Marriages are made in heaven, and are executed on the ground" even entered the collection of legal norms published in France in 1608. The same, in other words a little, Francoise Sagan said: "All marriages are successful. The difficulty begins after marriage. " And before that - Austrian writer Marie Ebner von Eschenbach (1830-1916): "Marriages are made in heaven, but they do not care that they are successful."Now, when the number of divorces and weddings almost equal, the idea of ​​indissoluble marriage made in heaven, it seems archaic. It may be objected quote from the American writer Virgil Peterson (1904-1966): "Although many marriages fail, they are indissoluble. This divorce, divorce, hearts, nerves and feelings can not be - it is impossible to divorce his memory. "
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