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Выберите грамматически верный вариант ответа. 1. I ... a book about computer-based technologies at the moment.
a) read b) am reading c) reading
2. Don't speak loudly! They ... the documents.
a) prepare b) are preparing c) preparing
3. Russian computer specialists ... to develop new means of communication at present.
a) try b) are trying c) is trying
4. Turn off the TV-set, please. I ... it.
a) do not watch b) not watching c) am not watching
5. What ... Kate now ? She’s speaking over the phone.
a) is, doing b) does, do c) are doing
6. I couldn't call you back at that moment, because I ... English on the Internet.
a) practised b) were practising c) was practising
7. When we entered the room, the students ... sms messages.
a) didn't read b) wasn't reading c) were not reading
8. They ... their new goods, when I switched on my TV-set.
a) advertised b) advertise c) were advertising
9. While the teacher was explaining how to arrange financial information, the students ... ring tones.
a) was downloading b) downloading c) were downloading
10. What ... you yesterday at 3 ? - I was trying to connect to our company computer.
a) did, do b) doing c) were, doing
11. A couple of years from now, computers ... cars and electrical appliances.
a) control b) will control c) will be controlling
12. Will you be at home tonight ? - Yes, I ... TV the whole evening.
a) watch b) will watch c) will be watching
13. The students ... in the computer class from 10 till 12 tomorrow.
a) will be working b) will working c) will work
14. Where ... he … for me tomorrow at 3?
a) wait b) will wait c) will be waiting
15. Come to my place tomorrow. I ... for the exams the whole day.
a) don’t prepare b) will not be preparing c) will not prepare
16. The executives ... new technology at the meeting now.
a) were discussing b) are discussing c) will be discussing
17. When I ... with my friend, the battery ran out.
a) was speaking b) am speaking c) will be speaking
18. When I left home, she ... a telephone call from a young inventor.
a) was waiting for b) is waiting for c) will be waiting for
19. Tomorrow at 5 I ... the instruction of my new cellular phone. I'm not good at modern technologies. Could you come to help me, please?
a) am studying b) was studying c) will be studying
20. Are you busy tomorrow ? - Yes, my group mate will come to me, we ... a web-page the whole day.
a) are designing b) were designing c) will be designing
21. It's raining ... .
a) heavy b) heavily c) heavier
22. The weather wasn't very ... yesterday, but it's ... today.
a) better, good b) good, better c) good, gooder
23. Nokia is ... than Samsung.
a) more reliable b) reliable c) reliablest
24. The ... the size of the memory card is, the ... pictures you can keep in your camera.
a) bigger, more b) big, many c) biggest, most
25. The demand for this model this year is not so ... as it was last year.
a) high b) higher c) the highest
26. He made ... phone calls but nobody answered.
a) much b) many c) a lot of
27. They have ... money. They are very poor.
a) little b) few c) much
28. How ... homework do you have ?
a) many b) much c) few
29. Her French is very good. She makes ... mistakes.
a) many b) little c) few
30. They have got some very nice ... in their house.
a) furniture b) furnitures c) оба варианта верны
31. I’m going to buy a lot of new ... .
a) clothe b) clothes c) clotheses
32. Listen! I have got ... good ... .
a) many news b) some, news c) some, newses
33. Where were you last night ? - I was at my ... .
a) parents’ house b) parents’s house c) parents house
34. Do you know ... ?
a) the phone number’s Bill b) Bills phone number
c) Bill’s phone number
35. We didn’t see ... .
a) the film’s beginning b) the beginning of the film
c) the beginning’s film

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13.10.2022 19:19

1. What time does Sophie get up? 7:45am

2. Does she usually have a shower? Yes, she does.

3. What does she eat for breakfast? She has milk and toast.

4. What does she drink for breakfast? She drinks orange juice.

5. What does she do after breakfast? She brushes her teeth.

6. Does she go to school on foot? She walks to school.

7. What time does school start? 8:30am

8. What time does Sophie usually have lunch. At about noon.

9. What time does it finish? 4:30

10. Who is Sophie is best friend? Amy.

11. What does Sophie do when she returns home. Her homework.

12. How many times a day does she brush her teeth? 3 times.

13. Is she a happy girl? Yes, she is.


1. Во сколько Софи встает?

2. принимает ли она обычно душ? Да, это так.

3. Что она ест на завтрак? У нее есть молоко и тосты.

4. Что она пьет на завтрак? Она пьет апельсиновый сок.

5. Что она делает после завтрака? Она чистит зубы.

6. Она ходит в школу пешком? Она идет в школу пешком.

7. в какое время начинается школа? 8:30 утра

8. В какое время Софи обычно обедают. Около полудня.

9. в какое время он заканчивается? 4:30

10. Кто такая Софи-лучшая подруга? Эми.

11. что делает Софи, когда возвращается домой? Ее домашнее задание.

12. сколько раз в день она чистит зубы? 3 раза.

13. Она счастливая девушка? Да, это так.

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15.01.2022 22:45

Water is a physical need of the human body. We can live without food up to 30-40 days, but without clean drinking water we won’t survive even 3-4 days. This should come as no surprise: the body of an adult consists of around 60-70 percent of water. It is contained in all tissues, and it is essential for metabolic processes, temperature regulation, nutrients transportation via the circulatory system and waste removal. It participates in almost all physiological processes. Lack of water can cause various diseases – from headache to muscle spasms and cramps.

Вода – естественная потребность человеческого организма. Мы можем прожить без пищи до 30-40 дней, но без воды мы не выживем даже 3-4 дня. И это неудивительно: организм взрослого человека на 60-70 процентов состоит из воды. Она содержится во всех тканях и является необходимой для обменных процессов, терморегуляции, транспортировки питательных веществ по кровеносной системе и выведения шлаков. Она участвует практически во всех физиологических процессах. Недостаток воды может стать причиной различных болезней – от головной боли до мышечных спазмов и судорог

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