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Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Why Some Don’t Care About Their Appearance
Despite the extremely superficial nature of this society there are still people who are able to avoid the notion (1) that you have to adapt to a particular standard of beauty mainly because they are comfortable in their own skin. To outsiders it might appear that these individuals don’t care at all what they look like when the reality is that they simply have different priorities (2), and so even if their appearance doesn’t feature very highly on their list it doesn’t mean that they give no consideration to their appearance whatsoever.
For some individuals appearance is extremely important (3) because it gives them an edge. They may already feel confidence when they are with colleagues and friends (4), but looking good gives them the extra boost they need.
Other people don’t attribute that much importance to appearances, especially if they have a laid-back attitude (5), are confident in themselves, and don’t have a job which requires power-dressing. This doesn’t mean they don’t care about their appearance; just that they have better things to do with their time (6) than dressing up when all they are going to do is sit behind a desk all day.
Some people do care about their appearance, although it may not look that way to others. There are individuals who possess their own unique sense of style (7), which might entail showing off their tattoos and piercings, as well as wearing clothes which don’t seem to go together and look rather scruffy. However, these individuals may well belong to their own ‘tribe’ and this is their uniform. As far as their fellow ‘members’ are concerned they are one of them, and are dressed to reflect this (8). The rest of the world might think these individuals don’t care about their appearance, but usually the opposite is true.
Of course, there are those who really don’t care what they look like, and usually justifiably so. If you’re homeless, have a drink or drug problem, or amental health issue, you can be forgiven for not making your appearance a priority (9).
Unfortunately, everybody is judged by their appearance in this society (10), so that if you don’t fit in with what is expected you are usually written off as being a bit weird (11).Everybody has their ups and downs (12), though, and surely nobody spends every second of their life trying to look their best. There are occasions when you’re sick or are grieving and feelу2 down, so that the last thing on your mind is your appearance. Only the people closest to you are able to judge (13)if you are ‘yourself’ or not, though, since strangers see you for a split second without comprehending how you are feeling at any given moment.
Most people do care about their appearance when they are in good spirits and things are going well in their life because they want to demonstrate that they belong to this society, which generally means conforming to certain standards in terms of their appearance. There may be some who decide to ignore convention (14), but these tend to be in the minority (15), while very few individuals don’t care at all what others think about the way they look.

1. People who are comfortable in their own skin do not pay attention to their appearance.
a) True b) False c) Not stated

2 Confident people don't need an extra boost.
a) True b) False c) Not stated

3 People with tattoos and piercing are not self-confident that’s why they look scruffy.
a) True b) False c) Not stated

4 To evaluate somebody based on looks is normal in our society.
a) True b) False c) Not stated

5 The majority of people don't pay attention to convention.
a) True b) False c) Not stated

Например: 1-a, 2-b, 3-c и тд

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24.11.2021 11:09

10 предложений с used to:

1)I used to get up at 6 a.m. when I was 20. – Раньше я вставал в 6 утра, когда мне было 20.

2)Kate used to go to school by bike. – Кэйт обычно ездила в школу на велосипеде.

3)They used to have dinner at this restaurant every Friday. – Раньше они обедали в этом ресторане каждую пятницу.

4)I didn’t use to learn French. – Раньше я не учил французский.

5)Ann didn’t use to attend this place. – Энн раньше не бывала тут.

6)We didn’t use to go to Italy every summer. – Мы не ездили в Италию каждое лето.

7)Did you use to ride a bike? – Ты раньше ездил на велосипеде?

8)Did he use to do sports? – Он раньше занимался спортом?

9)Did Matt use to eat meat? – Мэтт раньше ел мясо?

10)I used to take a taxi to my work. – Раньше я часто ездил на работу на такси.

Предложения с past simple:

1)I thought you knew him. – Я думал, что ты знаешь его.

2)Chris said he couldn’t find you. – Крис сказал, что не может найти тебя.

3)He didn’t know whether Ann would come or not. – Он не знал, придет ли Энн или нет.

4)Mike said he could help us. – Майк сказал, что он может нам.

5)I thought I had to do everything by myself. – Я думал, что я должен делать все в одиночку.

6)The teacher said you might come in. – Учитель сказал, что ты можешь войти.

7)I didn’t know what I should do. – Я не знал, что мне делать.

8)I was sure Kate was busy that day. – Я был уверен, что Кейт занята в тот день.

9)Jane knew Matt didn’t want to go there. – Джейн знала, что Мэтт не хочет туда идти.

10)I came to the stadium and saw that my friends were playing rugby. – Я пришел на стадион и увидел, что мои друзья играют в регби.


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13.06.2020 04:47

«Michael heard his alarm clock ringing but he could not open his eyes. Then his mum came (COME) into the room and turned on the light:»

Michael heard his alarm clock ringing but he could not open his eyes. Then his mum came (COME) into the room and turned on the light: “I know there’s nothing more difficult (DIFFICULT) than to get up early in the morning in December.” Mum bent and kissed Michael’s cheek. “Oh, you are boiling! Your head is so hot. Michael, are (BE) you all right? Michael at last managed to open his eyes. “Yes, I’m fine. But my head is spinning and my eyes hurt.”

“It’s probably the flu. Look, Michael, I wish I  could (CAN) stay with you today, but I can’t. I have to be in our office till at least 3pm.” Don’t worry, Mum. If I need anything, I’ll call (CALL) you at once.” “I have made (MAKE) sandwiches already.”

“I don’t want to eat, Mum.” “Ok. I’ll put them (THEY) in the fridge.” When his mum left, Michael woke up completely. He reached for the bookshelf and took out an old book of fairy tales. It was bought (BUY) by his great-grandmother, when he was a small child. She often said that even in her old age she loved (LOVE) these tales more than anything else. Michael opened the book and sank into the world of mystery and wonders.​


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