Выберите: some, any, a или an
This is apple
There is rice in the bowl
I haven’t got potatoes in my fridge
Have you got biscuits?
There is tea in my cup
This is carrot
Do you want banana?
I would like milk
There isn’t olive oil in the bottle
I would like cake
There isn’t ice cream in the supermarket
Have you got chocolate?
I’ve got eggs for my pancakes
This is pineapple
These are grapes
1. An
2. Some
3. Any
4. Any
5. Some
6. A
7. A
8. Some
9. Some
10. A
11. Some
12. Some
13. Any
14. A
15. Some
Объяснение: some используется с не исчисляемыми, any наоборот. Если слово начинается с гласной, то ставится артикль AN, чтобы отделить две гласные друг от друга, если с согласной, то артикль будет A