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The M25, the motorway around London, opened in 1986. Today people call it the biggest car park in Europe. Every morning on the radio we hear about jams, and road repairs, and crashes, and which parts of the M25 to avoid. One day soon we will hear “There is a traffic jam all the way round the M25 in both directions. If you are driving to work, we advise you to go back home.”

Winston Churchill described the car as the curse of the twentieth century. This will probably be true of the next century, too. It can be very funny to compare advertisements for cars with the reality of driving them. Cars are symbols of freedom, wealth, and masculinity. But when you are stuck in a traffic jam, all cars are just little metal boxes to sit in.

Cities and towns all over the world have a huge problem, and no government really knows what to do. For once it is not a matter of technology which is stopping us. If we want to build two-level roads, we can do it. If we want trains which can travel at hundreds of miles an hour, we can build them.

The problem is a question of principle. Should we look to road or rail for our transport needs? Should the Government, or private companies, control them? And either way, who should pay?

The people who believe in roads say that cars represent a personal choice to travel when and where you want to. But on trains and buses – public transport – you have to travel when the timetable says you can. These people think that if you build more roads, the traffic will move more quickly, but research shows that if there are more roads, there will be more cars to fill them.

By 2010, the number of cars on our roads will double. Environmentalists are saying that we should put more money into public transport. Cars often carry just one person. If the public transport system works, more people will use it. If trains carry more people, the roads won’t be so crowded, and cars pollute the air more than trains.

One characteristic of the people of the twentieth century is that we are a race on the move. But it is just possible that soon we won’t be able to move another inch, and we’ll have to stay exactly where we are!

1. Today you can

A) park your car on the M25.

B) drive fast on the M25.

C) get stuck up on the M25.

D) avoid traffic jams all the way round the M25.

2. Winston Churchill thought cars were

A) symbols of freedom and wealth.

B) an awful invention.

C) little metal boxes to sit in.

D) easy to drive.

3. We have the technology

A) to build roads.

B) to use trains instead of cars.

C) to find the solution to the traffic problem.

D) to travel fast.

4. If we want to solve the traffic problem

A) the Government should control the traffic.

B) we need to decide what our principles are.

C) private companies should pay for it.

D) we should follow the traffic rules.

5. Some people think that the traffic will move more quickly if

A) we can have a personal choice to travel.

B) there are more trains and buses.

C) there are more cars to fill the roads.

D) there are more roads.

6. Environmentalists think that public transport should

A) be more expensive.

B) be invested money in.

C) carry one person.

D) carry more people.

7. The people of the 20th century are those who

A) stay where they are.

B) don’t move an inch.

C) use public transport.

D) always move

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25.03.2021 14:31
One of the colorful children's magazines is "fidget".The log is about 30 pages, it includes lots of fun materials. Many children will no doubt enjoy the small good and instructive tales and stories, and comics like all children without exception. Each journal is a Board game. For example, late April was printed themed game dedicated to the victory, "For the Motherland", and before the cosmonautics day, "walking on the moon". The puzzles and riddles, crosswords and puzzles without it doesn't do neither the magazine "restless". The selection of these materials develop spatial thinking and imagination of children. And for the development of fine motor skills of children's fingers be sure to print of the coloring pages and toys for cutting and subsequent gluing. The most interesting category will be the "crib". How to make invisible ink or how to pretend to be a polyglot as well as other interesting answers to unusual questions are given in this section. And the question child: why is a Bicycle stable, can confound many adults, but not those parents whose children read the magazine "restless". Answers to the most difficult children's questions are given in each number of the periodical.
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20.02.2020 00:37
I love animals. This is truly our furry friends, without whom life would be boring and pointless.

I always wished I had a little furry friend kitten. Mom did not want to take the kitten, said that pet is not only a beautiful fluffy ball, it is still a living creature that you want to look after, to watch what he ate on time, to not spoil the furniture and not ripped curtains. But I stubbornly persevered.

And then one day mom came home from work and brought a wonderful little kitten. Mom found him at the entrance. It was cold outside, he plaintively squeaked, cold and hungry. Mom took him into the house. So I had the Fuzz.

Now Fluff grew up and became big and beautiful cat. It is very large and heavy, and when he eats a lot, it's hard for him to walk. Our Fluffy gray with white spots on his legs, neck and a little on the tail. The cat has large and expressive eyes. When I say something Cannon, or sometimes curse, he looks at me so attentively, and I think he understands, but he has got no conversation. Is that Gun the eyes are cast in green, so I like it. The cat has a very bushy tail, which is often going to a different litter.

I always check that the Gun was smooth and combed wool. Mom bought a special comb for cats, and I comb our pet. Gun really like being combed and stroked. He immediately begins to purr and put his head right under the arm. Especially our cat like being stroked and scratched behind the ears.

Our Fluffy is very picky about food. He loves sour cream, milk, fermented baked milk, fresh fish and dry food. When dad and I go fishing for a Gun specifically to catch small fish.

I love your pet. It is for me, not a living toy, but a real friend, even if not able to talk, only meow and purr.

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