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выбрать ответы правильные Although Julie had been with Mrs Worthington just three days, she had already
learnt that her boss was
the kind of person one had to be careful with. Her changes of mood could be rapid,
she definitely did not
tolerate failure, laziness or poor work and she firmly believed that everyone’s
highest priority should be their
work for the company. Julie was enjoying her job as Mrs Worthington’s personal
secretary, but she knew that
today would be tough.
For several days, Julie had been experiencing toothache. At first, it was merely a
minor annoyance that could be
ignored. ‘It’ll probably go away by itself,’ Julie told herself. ‘If not, I’ll see the
dentist when I’m more settled here
at work. It’s not that urgent.’
It didn’t disappear, however, and after an extremely uncomfortable night, Julie
awoke to severe dental pain.
‘That’s just what I need,’ she said to herself. ‘Maybe I can get a dentist’s
appointment for this evening, after work.’
Julie called the dentist’s. ‘I’m afraid the only time the dentist has available today is
at 3.30 pm this afternoon,’
said the receptionist. Julie had to make an immediate decision. ‘I’ll take it,’ she
The question was, how was Mrs Worthington going to react? Would she say, ‘Of
course you can leave early,
Julie. In fact, leave at lunchtime and don’t come back until you’re completely
better.’? Julie knew a far more
likely response would be something along the lines of: ‘Well, that really is most
inconvenient. Couldn’t you have
arranged to see the dentist in your own time? You have to think about the company
as well, you know. We can’t
all take time off whenever we feel like it. We’d never get any work done if we all
spent the day running around
seeing doctors and dentists. Can’t you change the time of your appointment?’
The pain was increasing in intensity, though, and Julie knew she had to see a
dentist today. If the only solution
was to leave work early and face Mrs Worthington’s displeasure, then so be it.
‘Here’s your coffee, Mrs Worthington,’ said Julie, as she went into her boss’ office
for the first time that morning.
‘Thank you, Julie,’ said Mrs Worthington, without looking up. ‘Don’t forget I need
those reports typed up
by three o’clock at the latest. I’ve got a meeting with Mr Price this afternoon.’
‘Yes, Mrs Worthington. I’ve nearly finished them. Umm … Sorry, Mrs Worthington,
but I wonder if I could ask
you something. It’s quite important.’
‘What is it, Julie?’ She looked up from the documents she’d been studying, and
without giving Julie a chance
to reply, said: ‘Oh my goodness! What’s happened to your face? It’s all swollen on
one side. Are you all right?’
‘I’ve got really bad toothache, Mrs Worthington. I called the dentist and tried to
make an appointment for this
evening but the only time he can see me is at half past three and I know that would
mean leaving early but I
don’t know what else …’
‘Stop!’ said Mrs Worthington. ‘I quite understand. These things have to be dealt
with or they only get worse,
don’t they? Get it sorted out, as quickly as possible.’
‘Thank you, Mrs Worthington.’
‘Do you think you can work this morning, Julie? If you can’t, tell me and we’ll find a
solution. If you can, just
finish those reports as quickly as you can and then go home. Have you taken
anything for it, by the way?’
‘No, I haven’t. I think I’d better wait as the dentist will probably have to give me an
anaesthetic and you have to
be a bit careful, don’t you? But, yes. I can definitely stay and finish the reports. It’s
not that bad.’
‘Well, it looks bad enough. I do appreciate it, Julie. I really do.’
As Julie returned to her desk, she wondered if she hadn’t misjudged Mrs
Worthington. ‘I couldn’t have asked
for a more understanding person to work for — this morning, at least,’ she said to
herself, and smiled, despite
the pain.
3) Julie expects Mrs Worthington to respond by​
A​.suggesting Julie sees a doctor instead.​
B​.criticising Julie for being selfish.​
C​.allowing Julie to leave work early.​
D​.telling Julie to stop complaining.
4) Mrs Worthington doesn’t look at Julie because she is busy
A​.looking at some documents.​B​.drinking a cup of coffee.​
C​.talking to Mr Price.​
D​.typing some reports.
5) Mrs Worthington interrupts Julie to​
A​.tell her to leave the building immediately.​
B​.express her displeasure at what she said.​
C​.find out some more information from her.​
D​.give her permission to see the dentist.
6) Mrs Worthington asks Julie whether she​
A​.can think of a solution to the problem.​
B ​has taken any medicine for the pain.​
C​.has already finished typing the reports.​
D​.can tell her what work has to be done.
7) When Julie leaves Mrs Worthington’s office, she​
A. feels that she hadn’t misjudged Mrs Worthington after all.​
B. wonders why she’d misjudged Mrs Worthington so badly.​
C. recognizes some good qualities in Mrs Worthington.​
D. wishes Mrs Worthington had been more understanding.​

Показать ответ
01.02.2023 01:18
1. Yes, she is the most interesting person I have ever met. 
2. Yes, its the longest book I have ever read. 
3. Yes, its the best opera I have ever heard.
4. Yes its the most difficult article I have translated.
5. Yes, its the funniest film I have ever seen. 
6. Yes, Uncle Jack its the kindest man I have ever known.
7. Yes, its the most exciting trip I have ever had.
8. Yes, its the most expensivest record I have ever bought.
9. Yes, Mary is the tallest girl I have ever met.
10. Yes, its the hardest test I have ever done.
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31.07.2020 21:25
Вашингтон - столица Соединенных Штатов Америки. Она находится на реке Потомак в административном округе Колумбия. Население города составляет 900 000 человек. Город был назван в честь первого президента США Джоржа Вашингтона. Он был основан 1790 году. Там нет небоскребов.

Капитолий находится в самом центре Вашингтона. Он расположен на Капитолийском холме, в самой высокой точке города. Это монументальное здание наполнено фресками и статуями. Капитолий - самое высокое здание в Вашингтоне. В Вашингтоне не разрешено строить здания выше, чем Капитолий. Капитолий - это здание Конгресса Соединенных Штатов Америки. Библиотека Конгресса находится недалеко от Капитолия. Это самая большая библиотека в Штатах. Она насчитывает более 13 миллионов книг и более 19 миллионов манускриптов.

Белый Дом - официальная резиденция президента США. Была построена в 1799 году. Там находятся мемориалы трех президентов США: Мемориал Вашингтона, Мемориал Линкольна и Мемориал Джефферсона.

В Вашингтоне есть еще одно всемирно-известное здание - Пентагон. Это здание Военного департамента США. Оно находится в пригороде к югу от Потомак. Город Вашингтон - это то место, где вы задумываетесьо великой истории США.
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