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выполнить VI. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive. 1. Participants hold business talks, negotiate transactions and sign contracts. 2. Companies and firms from Belarus will present a great part of the exhibits. 3. Groups of firms organized several exhibitions of Chinese merchandise. 4. Visitors to the exhibition could buy traditional products for Chinese export. 5. Many people will visit this new international event.

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21.06.2022 02:31
Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of lime and a long brush in his hands. He surveyed the fence, and every joy departed from him, and the spirit plunged into the deepest melancholy. Thirty yards of Board fence nine feet high! Life seemed empty and there is a heavy burden. Sighing, he dipped the brush into the bucket and held it on the top Board of the fence, repeated the operation did it again, compared the insignificant whitewashed streak with the boundless continent unpainted fence and sat on the fence under the tree completely depressed... He started thinking about how fun it was expecting to spend the day, and his sorrow was multiplied. Soon other boys would go from home to various interesting places and raise the Volume to laugh at what he was forced to work - one that thought burned him like fire. He pulled out all his treasures and made them inspection: broken toys, balls, stuff - maybe good at sharing, but hardly fit to buy at least one hour of complete freedom. And That again was removed in the pocket of your skinny capitals, leaving all thought about how to bribe the boys. But in this dark and hopeless moment it came to him inspiration. No more and no less than present dazzling inspiration!

He took the brush and continued slowly to work. Soon because of the angle it seemed to Ben Rogers - the boy, whose ridicule Is feared more than anything else. Gait Ben was light, Bouncing is a sure proof that his heart easily, and from the life he expects the best. He chewed Apple and from time to time uttered a long, melodious tone, followed by: "Ding-Dong-Dong, Ding-don-don," the lowest of tones, because Ben portrayed a steamer. Coming closer, he slackened speed, turned to the middle of the streets, lurched to starboard and began slowly to move towards the shore, diligently and with due importance, because it portrayed the "Big mo" and had a draught of nine feet. He was a ship captain, and steamship bell all together, and therefore imagined that stands on the bridge, he gave the command, and he himself was executed.

...That continues to whitewash the fence, not paying to ship any attention. Ben stared at him and said, " yeah, got caught, got to the pier!

There was no answer. Tom saw her last smear the eyes of the artist, then again gently ran the brush over the fence and down, admiring the results. Ben walked over and stood beside him. Tom swallowed, so he wanted Apple, but worked hard.

Ben said:
"What, old man, have to work, eh?

Tom turned around and said:
"Oh, it's you, Ben? I didn't notice.
"Listen, I'm going to bathe. And you don't want? No, you certainly will work? Well, of course, work more interesting.

Tom looked at Ben and asked:
- What do you call work?
And it do not work?

Tom went on whitewashing, and answered carelessly:
- Well, maybe, work, and might not work. I know only one thing - Tom Sawyer she likes.
"Ah, come on, so if you like to wash!

The brush still evenly moved along the fence.
- Like? And why not? I suppose it's not every day our brother goes to whitewash the fence.

After that, the whole thing presented itself in a new light. Ben stopped chewing an Apple. Tom gently took the brush back and forth, stopping occasionally to admire the result, added a DAB of another, again admired the result, and Ben watched his every move, showing more and more interest in the case. Suddenly he said:

"Hey, Tom, let me whitewash a little.

Tom thought at first as if he was ready to agree, and then suddenly changed his mind:
"No, Ben, you still won't work. Aunt Polly shakes right over the fence; you see, he goes out on the street - if it was that side that the yard, she would have said not a word, Yes, and me too. She shakes right over the fence. Know how to wash? In my opinion, isn't one boy in a thousand, or two thousand will be able to whiten it.
- What are you? Hey, let try, at least a little bit. That I would let you if you were in my place.
Ben, I would be happy, honest Indian! Why how to be with aunt Polly? Jim also wanted to paint, and it is not allowed. Sid wanted, she and CID not allowed. See, what works? Let's take you to whitewash the fence, and suddenly something...
- Yes that you, Tom, I'll try. Well, let me go, I'll try. Listen, I'll give you the middle of the Apple.
"Well, okay.. no, Ben, don't bother. I'm afraid of.
I all the Apple will give you!
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09.01.2021 02:44
Перед собой я видел только бездонную пропасть. Даже мысль о том, чтобы перепрыгнуть ее с сорокапятифунтовым рюкзаком за спиной, заставляла дрожать мои ноги.
"Я думал, это будет весело."
Я ворчал про себя. А ведь сама идея пойти в поход звучала здорово : школа выделила деньги на девятидневный поход по Аризоне с группой студентов. Я и заранее знал, что это вовсе не прогулка в парке, но такого ожидать никак не мог. Шел дождь, мы заблудились, и мне пришлось перепрыгнуть через пропасть в темноте с тяжелым рюкзаком за спиной.
Я наблюдал, как другие прыгали и приземлялись на другой стороне пропасти, и решил, что и я тоже смогу так. Я перепрыгнул хорошо, но подскользнулся, упал вперед и лицом ударился о колено того, кто пытался поймать меня. Когда я поднялся, из носа полилась кровь.
Всё это время я думал, что хуже уже не будет. Я почти плакал, когда мы устанавливали палатки на ночевку. Лежа в палатке, я думал, как же ничтожно я себя чувствовал. "Может поговорим?" - спросила Лори, моя соседка по палатке. "Нет, мне хотелось бы поспать," - ответил я. Разговоры с кем-либо - это последнее, чем я хотел бы заняться.
На следующий день я чувствовал себя вымотанным. Глядя на ясное синее небо, я, однако, подумал :"Может всё не так уж и плохо." Но, когда после завтрака мы продолжили наш поход, небо покрылось хмурыми серыми тучами. Начал моросить дождь. А как только я начал надевать дождевик, моросящий дождь превратился в ливень. Вскоре я промок до костей и замерзал всё сильнее и сильнее. Мы пробирались в слепящем ливне. Он стал таким сильным, что, когда мы остановились, то невозможно было разглядеть горы вокруг. У каждого из нас был компас.
У меня всё болело. Я переодевался в сухое, когда Лори залезла в палатку. Взглянув на нее, я увидел те же боль и страх, которые чувствовал сам. Теперь я понял, как же я был эгоистичен : ведь я не единственный, кто замерз и у кого всё болело.
Спальный мешок Лори промок насквозь и мы решили втиснуться в мой. Мы хорошо улеглись. Проблема была только в том, чтобы застегнуть молнию на мешке. Потому, что когда мы его застегнули до половины, то представили, как же мы смешно в нем выглядели, и стали смеяться. Несомненно, от этого молния разошлась до самого низа. Мы бы начали застегивать ее сначала, да мне было всё равно. Я смеялся. Нет, МЫ смеялись вместе.
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