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Русский язык

We all like to know whether it is going to rain or to snow or whether it is going to be fine, warm and sunny. But some people have a special interest in the weather because it is important for their work. For example, with accurate forecasts of the weather farmers can plan their work better; and travellers by sea or air also like to know the kind of the weather to expect. A weather forecast is the result of me work of many observers working at weather - station all over the world. Most of the stations are on land, but stationary ships are also used at sea. Each weather-station reports its observations on air temperature, barometric pressure, cloud conditions and other meteorological data to its central weather - station; and international code adopted by the World Meteorological Organization is used. At the central weather-station the data are analyzed and changes are predicted by expert meteorologist. Weather reports are then broadcast at regular intervals. Here is the forecast for London for a day in April: “Cloudy, with occasional rain throughout the day; wind north east, light, rather cold, maximum temperature 9 °C .Further outlook: probably changeable with sunny intervals but with rain at time, warmer temperature near average.»
The Londoner reads this forecast and knows that he must take his umbrella or his mackintosh when he goes out. He cannot be sure that it is nit going to rain.

2. Выпишите из текста слова, где встречаются [æ], [ei], [ou] распишите эти слова по столбикам. Напишите транскрипцию.

3. Выпишите из текста предложения с глаголами to be и задайте им общий вопрос.

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо. Переведите на русский язык.

This is ... picture of my study. Look al it! There is ... large window in my study ... ceiling of my study is white, ... floor is brown, ... walls are yellow. There is ... writing-table near ... window. There is... armchair at ...writing-table. There is ... telephone and ... lamp on it. I often speak over ... telephone. To ... right of ... writing-table there is ... bookcase. There aren’ t many English books in ... bookcase.There are many Russian books there. There is no ... piano in my study. ... piano is in ... dining-room. My sister likes ... music. She often plays ... piano in ... evening.

5. Найдите и выпишите из текста существительные во мн.числе. Напишите единственное число этих существительных.

6. Переделайте словосочетание, используя притяжательный падеж имен существительных.

H-p: the baby of this woman - this woman’s baby

pet of our friend; grandson of this old man; the work of the teacher; Russian books of his sister; the office of my father; the piano of mother; cat of this little girl; parents of these students.

7. Выберете из рамки правильный предлог по смыслу и заполните пропуски.

to, by, on, for, with, in, at

1) She is married … an American. 2) … Tuesday I am tied. 3) He goes to Boulogne … train. 4) … winter he teaches skiing. 5) She works … BBC. 6) What are you going to do … this weekend? – I am going to visit my grandmother … the parents.

8. Выпишите из текста числительные. Напишите их прописью и образуйте из них порядковое числительное.

9.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

a. There is a picture of Moscow on the wall.
b. These children play the piano very well.
c. We shall have a comfortable flat in Minsk.
d. These student’s parents like music.
e. There are five chairs to the right of the sofa.
f. I shall have very much work to do next week.
g. My friend has four sons.

10. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
а. Это – наш новый дом.
б. На столе лежали (были) пять книг.
в. Сумка моей мамы - красивая.
г. Через час я буду дома.

Показать ответ
03.06.2020 00:36


1 - F;

2 - D;

3 - A

4 - E

5 - B


1. Mass media make billions of dollars advertising different goods. And we are exposed to such advertisements practically every moment. The result is predictable. We buy what we are told to buy by the media. After seeing thousands of advertisements we make our decisions based on what we see on TV. f) Mass media influence the shopping we do.

Средства массовой информации влияют на то, что мы покупаем.


Television is watched by the majority of our population. But what do we often see on the screen? Too many scenes of violence, people hurting and killing each other. We can also see a lot of blood, gun shooting etc. Physiologists say that such programmes provoke the same behaviour in real life. And they are right. d) Mass media are responsible for the increase of aggression.

В связи с средствами массовой информации возросла агрессия.

3. Many people say that due to mass media a lot of young people (and not only young) become interested in many things, such as history, literature. They watch TV programmes devoted to ecology or read some information on the Net and become aware of the danger our planet is in. Thus they begin thinking about how to help the situation and many of them turn into responsible citizens. a) Mass media have positive influence on the society.

Средства массовой информации имеют положительное влияние на общество.

4. The media have a huge impact on the society in shaping the public opinion. Depending on the aim or target that is put before various types of mass media they are able to manipulate what is called the public opinion, change it in different ways or simply modify it a bit. The repeated telecast or piece of information on the Internet can be crucial. e) Mass media have a great power.

Средства массовой информации влияют на многое.

5. The Internet offers undeniable benefits to the new generation. However, using the Internet unsafely puts teenagers at a very high risk. Boys and girls who spend too much time online tend to become cyber addicts. Cyber addiction can be as harmful as addiction to drugs or drinking alcohol. Those who spend unhealthy amounts of time on the Internet may experience distress, have mental and physical problems. b) Mass media may have negative influence on young people.

У средств массовой информации негативное влияние на молодёжь.

0,0(0 оценок)
03.09.2022 16:38

1.      улица street  

2. компания company  

3. часть part  

4. система system  

5. номер number  

6. мир, вселенная world  

7. случай, дело case  

8. работа, труд work  

9. вечеринка party  

10. девочка girl  

11. правительство government  

12. дом house  

13. женщина woman  

14. жизнь life  

15. люди people  

16. год year  

17. день day  

путь way  

19. вещь, предмет thing  

20. ребенок child  

21. группа group  

22. время time  

23. область, участок area  

24. проблема problem  

25. место place  

26. рука hand  

27. сервис service  

28. школа school  

29. парень guy  

30. страна country  

31. 1) точка, 2) пункт point  

32. неделя week  

33. отношения relationship  

34. конец end  

35. слово word  

36. семья family  

37. факт fact  

38. голова head  

39. месяц month  

40. информация information


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