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17.03.2023 01:33 •  Английский язык

We've all heard someone say, 'there's an app for that', and with milions of apps to choose from, it seems they're right. Every day even more apps are being added to app stores by developers everywhere. A lot of us enjoy using apps for entertainment such as playing games, watching videos or catching up with our friends on social media. However, there are plenty more things that an app can do. From monitoring the weather and keeping us updated with breaking news to helping us leam a new language or explore the galaxy, there's an app for almost everything! Apps that make learning fun Starting from basic skills like learning the alphabet, and going smartphone to take a photograph and within moments an right up to university physics, there are apps for all subjects and levels. Apps grab students attention and help them fauna without speaking to a biologist. It's almost like become independent learners who perform even better in exams. Revising algebra, practisirg a language or dangerous chemistry experiments can tapping the touchscreen. Educational apps come in so many forms with apps offering 3D models of the human body. interactive textbooks or educational games and quizzes. Studying for exams has never been so much fun and can be done at home, on the go or even in the school break, exploring the world around you? There's A guided tour through the living world With over 8 million species of animals and around 300,000 specios of plants on the planet, apps that can guide you through the living world are extremely useful. No longer do have to search online to find what insect we saw in the garden or what plant is growing in the park. Just use your app can tell you all you need to know about the flora and spending a day at the library. all be done just by Apps that are out of this world Why stop whole universe out there. Now, you can explore space and browse maps of the night sky. Space map apps allow you to track the movements in the night sky in real time by simply holding your phone up in the air and tapping the screen. NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has its own app that lets you track the International Space Station. You can even stream a high-definition live feed of the opace station's view of Earth from cameras mounted on the outside. EX3
Read the text again and, for questions 1-5, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 In the first paragraph, the writer says that
A the number of apps available is increasing.
B only young people play games on their phones.
C you can only download apps made in your country.
D it is difficult to do everyday tasks without an app.
2 The writer thinks that educational apps
A can replace schools and universities.
B help students to learn on their own.
C are only useful for university students.
D can take the place of school teachers.
3 The writer suggests people often identify living things by
A asking an expert.
B taking photos.
C checking reference books.
D using Internet search engines. 4 The writer says that NASA
A is tracking people using apps. B allows you to follow a space station.
C has apps that send you photographs.
D lets you chat with its astronauts.
5 What is the writer's opinion of apps?
A We need to be careful when we use them.
B They are best used for entertainment.
C We should try not to use them too much.
D They can helb in many aspects of our lives.

Fill in: real, grab, live, keep, basic, go, tap, independent, living, breaking. Use the phrases to make sentences based on the text.
1) theworld
2 feed
6 intime
7 sb's attention
8 the touchscreen
9 sb updated
10 on the ​

Показать ответ
06.12.2022 05:20

We live in the fascinating and challenging world of science. It is a world that more and more over the ages, and especially in the 20th century has come to affect so much of our lives. It is involved with the way we travel, the homes we live in and the clothes we wear, how we become ill and how medicine can make us better, and has given us fantastic means of communicating and exploring.

The list of the inventations is rather long. We are on-lookers of great scientific achievements such as television and a computer. We can't imagine our life withought a notebook or a radio. I'd like to speak in details about computers.

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that stores information and allows changes in it through the use of instructions. A modern computer is capable of doing various tasks, like word processing and accounting. Personal computers are widely used but working on them requires some techniques.

The biggest challenge of my compure work was adapting to software that has been "upgraded" e.g. MS Word 10, in which perfectly efficient software is changed with different menus, commands but no real innovation.

Technology changed since I was a child - road trips just aren’t the same without getting lost or stopping to ask for directions; еhe world is at our fingertips... and we can bypass the mean librarian; тo more running to get into the picture before the timer goes off... behold, the “selfie stick”.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the world has witnessed the emergence of social media, smartphones, self-driving cars, and autonomous flying vehicles. One of the biggest technology trends in recent years has been smart home technology, which can now be found in everyday consumer devices like door locks, light bulbs, and kitchen appliances. The key piece of technology that has helped make all this possible is the digital assistant.

I published pictures of family, life experiences and recent activities and posted them in Internet


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14.11.2021 04:32

Запас слов

Выберите правильный вариант.

1) Все узнают ее маневренность из-за ее отличительного стиля / формы.

2) Она просто плечами и сказала, что ей все равно.

3) Статистический анализ дает очень верные / надежные результаты.

4) Энн вскрикнула / вскрикнула от возбуждения, когда поняла, что сдала экзамены.

5) Во время Второй мировой войны радио было единственным источником / источником информации для людей.

o 6) Жесты / указания рук означают разные вещи в разных культурах.

7) Протестующие собрались / собрались у здания Министерства образования.

8) Она быстро взглянула на людей

по комнате и сразу же ушла.

9) Он понизил голос до шепота / бормотания, чтобы учитель не услышал его.

10) Фильм изображает / иллюстрирует битву за


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