My favorite animal is the tiger. The tiger is the largest and heaviest member of the cat family. Hunting these animals is prohibited because they are in the red book. Tigers have a flexible, muscular body. The color of the animal is orange, red and brown, and the belly is white. For their habitats, predators choose: tropical moist forests, shady jungles, semi-desert savanna and bamboo thickets. It feels great in different conditions. Tigers eat wild pigs, tapirs, ROE deer, and numerous species of deer. Many legends and myths are written about tigers. They also love water and can swim very well.
Моим любимым животным является тигр. Тигр - самый крупный и тяжелый представитель семейства кошачьих. Охота на этих животных запрещена, потому что они находятся в красной книге. У тигров гибкое, мускулистое тело. В окраске животного присутствует оранжевый, красный и коричневый оттенок, а животик белый. Для мест своего обитания хищники выбирают: влажные леса тропиков, тенистые джунгли, полупустынные саванны и бамбуковые чащи. Он прекрасно чувствует себя в разных условиях. Тигры едят диких свиней, тапиров, косуль, многочисленных видов оленей. Про тигров написаны многие легенды и мифы. А еще, они очень любят воду и отлично умеют плавать.
1.The west coast of the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean
2.The west coast of the country is washed by the Irish Sea, the east coast is washed by the North Sea.
3/The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.
4/The United Kingdom (UK) is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
6/66,65 millions
7/Welsh,Scots,Polish,Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali and Gujarati,Arabic,Chinese, Spanish and Portugue,French.
8/The Union Jack, or Union Flag, is the national flag of the United Kingdom.
9/ долго писать - напишите в поисковике National symbols of England, National symbols of Scotland, and National symbols of Wales
10.The British monarch, currently Elizabeth II, is the head of state
11/Boris Johnson
12/banking and finance, steel, transport equipment, oil and gas, and tourism.
Other industries
Machine tools, electric power equipment, automation equipment, railroad equipment, shipbuilding, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, electronics and communications equipment, metals, chemicals, coal, petroleum, paper and paper products, food processing, textiles, clothing, and other consumer goods.
Tigers have a flexible, muscular body. The color of the animal is orange, red and brown, and the belly is white.
For their habitats, predators choose: tropical moist forests, shady jungles, semi-desert savanna and bamboo thickets. It feels great in different conditions.
Tigers eat wild pigs, tapirs, ROE deer, and numerous species of deer.
Many legends and myths are written about tigers. They also love water and can swim very well.
Моим любимым животным является тигр. Тигр - самый крупный и тяжелый представитель семейства кошачьих. Охота на этих животных запрещена, потому что они находятся в красной книге.
У тигров гибкое, мускулистое тело. В окраске животного присутствует оранжевый, красный и коричневый оттенок, а животик белый.
Для мест своего обитания хищники выбирают: влажные леса тропиков, тенистые джунгли, полупустынные саванны и бамбуковые чащи. Он прекрасно чувствует себя в разных условиях.
Тигры едят диких свиней, тапиров, косуль, многочисленных видов оленей.
Про тигров написаны многие легенды и мифы. А еще, они очень любят воду и отлично умеют плавать.
1.The west coast of the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean
2.The west coast of the country is washed by the Irish Sea, the east coast is washed by the North Sea.
3/The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.
4/The United Kingdom (UK) is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
6/66,65 millions
7/Welsh,Scots,Polish,Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali and Gujarati,Arabic,Chinese, Spanish and Portugue,French.
8/The Union Jack, or Union Flag, is the national flag of the United Kingdom.
9/ долго писать - напишите в поисковике National symbols of England, National symbols of Scotland, and National symbols of Wales
10.The British monarch, currently Elizabeth II, is the head of state
11/Boris Johnson
12/banking and finance, steel, transport equipment, oil and gas, and tourism.
Other industries
Machine tools, electric power equipment, automation equipment, railroad equipment, shipbuilding, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, electronics and communications equipment, metals, chemicals, coal, petroleum, paper and paper products, food processing, textiles, clothing, and other consumer goods.
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