What are the two types of learning principles in the methodology?
A) Individual and General
B) General and Specific
C) Specific and Morphological
D) Copyright and General
Choose the right name of the way «break the word into chunks».
A) skippy frog
B) chunky monkey
C) flippy dolphin
D) eagle eye
Відповідь: a) We went to the zoo yesterday, the most
the largest zoo in the country. I can not
give it a pleasure. Everywhere
there were inscriptions not to walk on the grass ","
I wanted to feed the animals with a photo
feat the most beautiful animals, but I do not
could come close because there was
a lot of people. Some of the animals were asleep, and
some were not very friendly. we
couldn’t have a picnic because there wasn’t
there was room for that. Yesterday was
sunday and there were many
little children. They made noise and shouted. IN
next weekend I will go to the forest. I think
it's a brilliant idea. There is no need to think in the forest
about a lot of rules.
Пояснення:надеюсь )
I'm running for class president! Because I am one of the hardworking and responsible students.
2. I will help everyone and will listen to all complaints and complaints and will try to help all my classmates at any time. Why is this important to me? Because I will help and support and gather the entire class of us into a single team. So that everyone, without exception, has the opportunity to feel confident for our future and comfort in the educational process. To achieve all this, we will spend time together and come up with different activities so that we are the only friendly class.
3. Our slogan WE ARE UNITED WE are Winners forever!