I would invent a teleportation device. It would be a box with a door. Inside the box there would be a display with a keyboard. All you need to do is to type where you want to go and then press ENTER. Or you could say the name of the place into the microphone. With this device people wouldn't need any cars, ships, planes or trains... The air and water will be clean and my machine would save a lot of time and money.
Какое изобретение мне бы хотелось изобрести
Я бы изобрел устройство для телепортации. Это был бы бокс с дверью. Внутри него дисплей с клавиатурой. Все, что нужно сделать, это ввести, куда ты хочешь попасть, а затем нажать ENTER. Или можно сказать название места в микрофон. С таким устройством людям не нужны никакие машины, корабли, самолеты или поезда... Воздух и вода будут чистыми, и моя машина сэкономит много времени и денег.
Hello (имя друга)! How are you? I think, you are fine. I would like to tell you what I did this weekend. I thought you would be interested. Last Saturday I go with my friends to the park. There was so beautifull! The sun was shining and the birds singing all time. We also went to different cafes. My friends and i usually ordered some drinks. After cafes we went to the fountain and took pictures on the background of a fountain. Last Sunday I went to dentist, because i had a toothache. Now everything is fine! Maybe, that's all! With best wishes, (твоё имя).
What I would like to invent
I would invent a teleportation device. It would be a box with a door. Inside the box there would be a display with a keyboard. All you need to do is to type where you want to go and then press ENTER. Or you could say the name of the place into the microphone. With this device people wouldn't need any cars, ships, planes or trains... The air and water will be clean and my machine would save a lot of time and money.
Какое изобретение мне бы хотелось изобрести
Я бы изобрел устройство для телепортации. Это был бы бокс с дверью. Внутри него дисплей с клавиатурой. Все, что нужно сделать, это ввести, куда ты хочешь попасть, а затем нажать ENTER. Или можно сказать название места в микрофон. С таким устройством людям не нужны никакие машины, корабли, самолеты или поезда... Воздух и вода будут чистыми, и моя машина сэкономит много времени и денег.
I would like to tell you what I did this weekend.
I thought you would be interested.
Last Saturday I go with my friends to the park. There was so beautifull! The sun was shining and the birds singing all time. We also went to different cafes. My friends and i usually ordered some drinks. After cafes we went to the fountain and took pictures on the background of a fountain.
Last Sunday I went to dentist, because i had a toothache. Now everything is fine!
Maybe, that's all! With best wishes, (твоё имя).
103 слова.