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23.01.2023 20:01 •  Английский язык

Which of the movies… * has greatly influenced western culture? is believed to be the best film of a famous director? got four Oscars? is one of the best in the genre of science fiction? unites different stories? «Raiders of the Lost Ark» Being also known as «Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark», the film won four Academy Awards and is famous for special effects in action movies. «The Matrix» «The Matrix» is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever. It also set a new standard in Hollywood for fight scenes. «Rear Window» Many critics believe that «Rear Window» is Alfred Hitchcock’s best film.They also call it culturally and historically significant. «Pulp Fiction» Known for its exciting dialogues, combination of different story lines, and numerous pop culture references, «Pulp Fiction» was nominated for seven Oscars and won the Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival in France. «The Godfather» «The Godfather» has been recognized as one of the greatest movies ever made. It had one of the greatest casts, screenplays, and directors of all time. So critics speak about the significant effect it had on western culture. «Raiders of the Lost Ark» Being also known as «Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark», the film won four Academy Awards and is famous for special effects in action movies. «The Matrix» «The Matrix» is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever. It also set a new standard in Hollywood for fight scenes. «Rear Window» Many critics believe that «Rear Window» is Alfred Hitchcock’s best film.They also call it culturally and historically significant. «Pulp Fiction» Known for its exciting dialogues, combination of different story lines, and numerous pop culture references, «Pulp Fiction» was nominated for seven Oscars and won the Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival in France. «The Godfather» «The Godfather» has been recognized as one of the greatest movies ever made. It had one of the greatest casts, screenplays, and directors of all time. So critics speak about the significant effect it had on western culture

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19.07.2020 22:32

"social problems in communication" essay


Social problems are the issues that directly or indirectly affect the majority or all the members of a society. Social problems affect the fabric of the community and they lie beyond the control of one individual no matter how much the power he or she holds. Some of the social issues that are considered as problems are violence, pollution, injustice and many others.

For a social issue to be classified as a problem, it must be getting attention from the public. There must be some public outcry about the issue. The issue must also have a gap between social ideals and social reality. It must run counter to the values of society at large. It must also get the concern of the majority in society. The condition that is to be called a problem should have the capability to get a solution through the collective action of the general public.

It is hard to find solutions or to implement recommendations for many social problems. This is because; social problems affect a vast majority of the population of the society. These people are all being affected by the problem in different ways hence each has a different suggestion of the solution to the problem. Implementation of recommendations is equally as hard since everyone being affected is supposed to take part and this does not necessarily happen.


Poverty is one of the main social problems in the world. Poverty in the society is the main cause of many other social problems. It leads to poor education, environmental degradation and a whole lot of other social problems. According to the structural perspective, society is viewed as a complex system of structures that interact in order to perform various necessary functions. Change is generally viewed as gradual and disruptive. In this respect, we can say that poverty occurs due to many different factors that are unlikely to change easily.

On the other hand, according to the conflict theory, change is inevitable and often beneficial. This theory views society as a struggle for resources and power and inequality is universal. In this respect, poverty can be justified as a form of inequality in society. But it can be repaired by changing some factor of the society.

According to the symbolic iteractionism, humans are social animals and require interaction with one another. It studies social interactions between individuals and small groups and how humans interpret these interactions. In this respect, poverty can be eliminated by interaction with the right people in society. Poverty leads to most social problems in society but can be evaded or corrected with the correct perspective.


All social problems affecting the world today are all interrelated in some way or another. Problems with the environment are almost directly related to poverty and problems with education. The environment is very sensitive and even the slightest imbalance will cause a great negative impact.

The environment has degraded overtime due to factor such as overpopulation and overuse of the resources in the environment. An example is the current global warming crisis. It started simply as a deforestation problem in one area. The trees were being cut down mainly to create room for building industries and for paper making. As the world progressed into further technology, more trees were cut for publishing of more books and building of more industries. This shows the interrelationship between education and environmental problems.

Another angle is the fact that without education, the measures to be taken in the conservation of the environment cannot be passed on to the general public sufficiently. Poverty also affects the environment. Take for example a poor family living near a forest and the only fuel they can get is firewood. As much as they may know of the negative effects of cutting trees, they have no choice but to keep on cutting. This shows that the three social problems poverty, poor education and environmental problems are interconnected.

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19.01.2023 19:01
1) Did you like your summer holidays? - Yes, they were exciting!
2) Where were you in summer? - I was at the sea-side.
3) What city did you visit? - I visited Sochi.
4) What excursions did you have? - I had lots of excursions such as Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi Park, Aquapark, park of rare plants and others.
5) What did you like most? - I liked Krasnaya Polyana most.
6) Why did you like it? - Because the nature is so impressive there.
7) Who accompanied you in your trip? - My parents and my sister were in Sochi with me.
8) Where did you live during your rest? - We lived in a hotel.
9) What did you like most about it? - I liked that it was near the sea and the food they served was very tasty. 
10) Were there any sporting grounds there? - Yes, there were tennis , footbal and basketball grounds . 
11) Was there a pool on the territory of the hotel? - Yes, there was one, quite big.
12) What about people in Sochi - were they friendly with you? - Yes, they were very friendly and helpful.
13) Could you tell me about the sea? - Yes, of course! The sea was warm and clean, the beach was equipped with everything we needed for sunbathing and swimming.
14) Were there any entertainments on the beach? - Yes, there were slides of different size right in the sea, equipment for diving, water-bike  riding, high rope-jumping into the water, and many others.
15)  Did you visit any concerts there? - Yes, I visited a big concert hall there, many Russian pop-stars took part in the performance.
16) Was the weather favourable? -Yes, quite. I had a lot of time for sun-bathing.
17) Did  you make friends with anybody? - Yes, I met one boy from St.Petersburg there. We had lots of fun!
18)  And what about museums? - Oh yes, I visited a picture gallery and a photo exhibition.
19) And did you take many photos? -Yes, hundreds, I think.)
20) Do you want to get back to Sochi next summer? - Oh, I liked Sochi very much, but I want to discover something new. 
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