Work with your partner or in small groups and answer the questions. 1. What sports do you like to play? to watch?
2. What sports do you hate? Why? 3. What wheelchair sports do you know?
4. What sports do you play? How long have you played them? What's fun
about them? What's difficult? What clubs have you belonged to? Did you play on a team? What is the name of the team? What was your position?
5. What sport would you like to take up next? 6. Have you ever gone to a swimming school? tennis school? When?
7. Do you know how to snowboard? ski? skate? 8. Where do you go skiing, skating, or snowboarding?
9. Have you ever gone mountain climbing? hiking? sailing? Where?
10. How fast can you run? swim? How far can you run? swim? 11. Have you ever injured yourself while playing a sport or while exercising?
Have you ever broken a bone?
12. What professional teams do you like? Who is your favorite professional
athlete in each sport?
свої варіанти накидайте)))
Завершите предложения, чтобы они соответствовали вам.
1 Я поступлю в университет, если ...
2 Если я не получу место в университете,
3 Если мое расписание в следующем году будет очень напряженным, ...
4 Я не получу хороших оценок, если ...
5 Если я не получу хорошую работу, ..
6 Я перееду, если ...
7 Я буду путешествовать по миру, если ...
8 Если я нервничаю по поводу следующих экзаменов, я ...
9 Я буду заниматься волонтерской работой, если ...
10 Если на следующей неделе у меня будет больше свободного времени, я ...
Думаю что ты сам завершишь предложения используя переводчик;)))
2. My friends and I are going to become agronomists and foresters.
3. The second-year students are studying botany, biology, but they are not studying agronomy and forestry. They will study them next year.
4. Kester did not become a student after school. He worked for some years.
5. Where did Kate and Kester work after the institute? Did they work here in our country? - No, they did not work here. They went to their own countries as specialists.
6. Man lives on the Earth because plants give him oxygen.
7. Palms do not grow in the north, it is always cold for them there.
8. My friends and I are going to the country next summer. We are going to help the farmers in their work in the fields.
9. Kate, what is Ann going to do this summer? - Oh, you know, Pete, she is going to visit me in India and to see this country.
10. Were you going to become a biologist when you were at school? - No, I wanted to be an engineer, but I was not good at mathematics at that time. Now here I know it well and like it very much.