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Задание 1. Чтение. Прочитайте текст и отметьте верные предложения буквой (T) и неверные предложения буквой (F).

My friend

Tanya is my classmate. She is a Russian girl. She is in the fifth form. She is a student of School Number 44.

Tanya is young, she is twelve years old. She is a bit taller than me. She looks like her mother. She is pretty. Tanya is a thin girl with large brown eyes. Her hair is fair, long and straight. Her face is oval and her nose is turned-up. She wants to look like all the models.

Tanya likes wearing smart things: bright blouses and skirts. She is always well dressed. She doesn't like jeans.

Tanya is a good friend. She never gossips. Everyone loves her. She is clever, honest and kind. She always tells the truth. She has a good sense of humour. She knows a lot of interesting and funny stories.

She does well at school. She always does her homework. She is very good at English and math. Tanya plays the piano very well. I think she is very talented.

I am happy to have such a friend as Tanya.

Tanya is in the 5 form.

She is a student of School Number thirty four.

She likes wearing bright blouses and trousers.

She likes jeans.

She is a good student.

Задание 2. Грамматика.

Выберите правильный глагол (Choose the correct verb).

1. They often … to the cinema.

a) go b) goes c) are going

2. Tim usually … breakfast.

a) ate b)eats c) is eating

3. Mary … Cola now.

a) drink b) drank c) is drinking

4. Ben … the dog at the moment.

a) walks b) is walking c) walk

5. We … our grandparents every Sunday.

a) visit b) visits c) are visiting

6. He … to school yesterday.

a) goes b) went c) is going

7. My mum … many books two years ago.

a) buys b) bought c) buy

8. Тоday is Wednesday. Yesterday​ was … .

a) Monday​ b)​ Thursday c) Tuesday

9. I usually go to school … foot.

a) on​ b) by​ c) in

10. К какой теме относятся следующие слова:​ a bookcase,​ ​ a picture,​ ​ a​ living room,​ ​ a coffee table?

a) flat​ b) clothes​ с) family

11. Выберите правильный перевод: six hundred and seventy-two

a) 662​ ​ b) 172​ ​ c) 672

12.​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ... three rooms in my flat.

a) There is​ ​ b) There are ​ ​ c) Are there​ ​ D) Is there

13. Are you cooking now?

a) Yes, he is. b) ​ No, I am not.​ c) No, I am.

14. There are … eggs on the plate.

a)​ any ​ b)​ some​ c) not

15. What do you see … the sky?

a)​ in​ ​ b) on​ ​ c) at

Примечание по заполнению работы:

1. Выполняя 1 задание, списываем утверждение соответственно нумерациии и букву (T, F)

2.Выполняя 2 задание, ​ утверждения не списываем, а рядом с номером задания ставим соответствующую букву, например - 9- b.

Показать ответ
16.06.2021 15:03
5 Essex Road
SW12 5JL

Dear Janet,
Thank you for your letter. I'm (1) always very happy (2) to hear from you. Everything you do is so exciting.
I'm sitting (3) at the moment doing my homework. I'm waiting for mother so that we can have dinner together.
School is rather boring (4) with a lot to do. I do the same things (5) every day. I (6) always get up at the same time in the morning and I travel to school (7) every day by tube. I have the same subjects at school and I (8) usually have lunch in the school canteen. (9) Twice a week I go to the cinema and (10) once a month I go to Brighton to see you. Never mind. Our spring holidays start (11) next week and we are having a school party in June! At least that's exciting.
I look forward (12) to hearing from you soon.
Love, Joy

1. The letter is addressed to a friend of the student, Janet.
2. The letter is from a student, studying at school, Joy.
3. Joy lives in London.
4. Janet lives in Brighton.
5. Joy is doing his homework at the moment.
6. He gets up at the same time every morning.
7. Joy goes to school by tube.
8. Joy usually has lunch in the school canteen.
9. Joy goes to the cinema twice a week.
10. Joy sees Janet once a month.
11. On the next week, Joy is having holidays.
12. Joy is having a school party in June.
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12.06.2022 05:53
Friendship is one of the best things in life. Everybody needs a good friend’s shoulder to cry on, or simply someone to share the joys and sorrows with. It isn’t easy to find faithful and caring friends though. We can meet many people who will pretend to be our friends, but after all the true friends don’t leave or betray. Friendship is a complex notion. People can quarrel or have some kind of conflict and still stay friends. And others, who never argue with each other, can soon split up. The same can be said about the relations among friends. Those friends, who tell you the truth even when it’s bitter, are more likely to care about you, than those who don’t. For me friendship is round-the-clock concept. If I’m friends with someone, he or she can always rely on me. My friends can call me late at night to tell about their problems. They can ask me for help or support. I am lucky to have two best friends who would do the same for me. We know each other from the kindergarten and we’ve been through many difficult situations. I hope that we will stay true friends for a lifetime or at least for a very long time. My mum often tells me that friendship is like a tree. It means that under good conditions it will grow and become rather strong. As the years pass, the tree can stand firmer and
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