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28.01.2022 23:05 •  Английский язык

Задание 1. Прочитайте четыре коротких текста и найдите для каждого из них соответствующий заголовок. Один заголовок лишний. 1. BACK INTO HISTORY 2. ADVENTURES IN THE WILDERNESS 3. VISITING NATIONAL PARKS 4.NOTHING LIKE WINTER SPORTS 5.FOR LOVERS OF WATER ACTIVITIES A. The Mediterranean is a famous place for glorious holidays in the sunshine. Especially if you’d like to try some diving. Come to a wonderful coastline, clear waters and beautiful beaches of Fuerteventura, the oldest of the Canary Islands. You’ll have an idyllic and relaxing holiday. You’ll find beaches for a lazy day of sunbathing and, of course, for diving and surfing. It is an especially great place for beginners. B. Fantastic activities can be found all over Europe. If you’re thinking of booking ski holidays, France is the place you will certainly want to go to. Meribel is one of the country’s top skiing places. Good conditions are guaranteed for the whole season. There are also a lot of parks where you can try your freestyle tricks. Snowboarding is also popular in those places. C. Alaska is an ideal place for holidays. Fly or sail into Anchorage. It is located close to the beautiful Alaskan fjords. You can also see the active volcano of Mount Redoubt and the highest peak in North America, Mount McKinley, from the city. It is one of the world’s last unspoiled areas. You are likely to see wolves, moose, and mountain goats. It is also possible to arrange whale - watching expeditions, as well as trips to see grizzly, black and brown bears in their natural habitat. D. If you love adventure holidays, spend your next holidays in America. The vast country of Mexico has different places ideal for travelling. Your journey across Mexico should take you to a number of important historic sites. For example, you’ll see the largest pre-Columbian archaeological site in the country People left it hundreds of years ago, but the ruins will give you an impression of how wonderful the city looked in its prime. The buildings will give you an idea of how advanced the city was for its time. Задание2 Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1–8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 –False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Travel Tips for Children Every Disney guidebook seems to have a section for babies or teenagers. There are even books written for teenagers going to Disney! However, where are the packing lists for children? I take my two daughters to Disney World every year. So I have a few tips for other parents going to Disney. I find that my children are typical children and they often get extremely dirty. So they need two sets of clothes a day. I recommend you to bring the following: more underwear and socks, at least two swimsuits for each child. Bring a pair of sandals to go to the pool area. And, of course, a first aid kit. It is good when each child has a small suitcase with wheels and a backpack. Everyone gets out their suitcase and we go down my list - so many pairs of socks, swimsuits, etc. Everyone is fetching things and packing them at once. That way everyone gets the fun of packing and we pack everything, I’m sure. The backpacks are for CD players, books, colouring books, crayons, games, homework, and other things to play with on the plane and in the car. If you are staying at one of the hotels that has a beach with sand, remember to bring some sand toys. All WDW resort hotel pools allow parents to borrow life vests for their children. These are very safe. When you аre in the park, have a meeting place in case you get lost. And we always place a business card with our mobile number and hotel info in our daughter's sock. 1. Guidebooks for all the parks give tips for travelling with small children. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 2. Children need a lot of clothes during holidays. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 3. It’s necessary to take some medicines with you while travelling. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 4. If you have two or three children they must pack the things in turn. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 5. Packing can be fun if you organize it properly. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 6. The mother of the family recommends backpacks for extra clothes. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 7. The best hotels are in Walt Disney World Park. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 8 Children must know the hotel name and their parents’ phone number when they’re in the park. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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27.01.2022 13:26

Мультфильм "Франкенвини" повествует о дружбе мальчика и его собаки. Пса зовут "Спарки". Спарки, погнавшись за мячом, погибает под колёсами автомобиля. Его хозяит, мальчик по имени Виктор, не может смириться с такой утратой, и намеревается оживить собаку. Ему это удаётся, но оживший труп Спарки убегает и терроризирует всю округу, пугает всех людей.

Просматривается параллель с произведением "Франкенштейн". Кроме того, некоторые моменты фильма напоминают художественный фильм "Кладбище домашних животных" Стивена Кинга, в котором хозяева домашних питомцев закапывают своих четвероногих друзей на кладбище, где якобы хоронили умерших индейцы. Но так как здесь идёт речь всё-таки о мультфильме, Спарки совсем не злой, а наоборот, очень даже дружелюбный и игривый пёс.


Cartoon "Frankenweenie" tells about the friendship between a boy and his dog. The dog's name is "Sparky". Sparky, chasing the ball, dies under the wheels of the car. His owner, a boy named Victor, cannot accept such a loss, and intends to revive the dog. He succeeds, but the revived corpse of Sparky escapes and terrorizes the entire neighborhood, frightens all people.

There is a parallel with the work of "Frankenstein". In addition, some moments in the film are reminiscent of Stephen King's feature film "Pet Sematary", in which pet owners bury their four-legged friends in a cemetery where the deceased Indians were supposedly buried. But since here we are talking about a cartoon, Sparky is not at all evil, but on the contrary, a very friendly and playful dog.

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06.08.2022 01:44

This is my best friend . Her name is Sveta . She is kind, honest and polite. Sveta is very smart. She always helps me with my home work. Sveta is beautiful . She has got long,  dark hair and brown eyes. We go in for sports together. On sundays we go to the cinema. Sveta likes to read books. So do I . I am happy to have such a friend. Предлагаю такое решение. Может там какая-то определённая лексика должна быть ? Вместо имени Света можно подставить любое другое имя ( твоей подружки) Переводится так. Это моя лучшая подруга . Её зовут Света. Она добрая, честная и вежливая. Света очень умная , она всегда мне с домашней работой. Света красивая.У неё длинные тёмные волосы и коричневые (карие) глаза. Мы вместе ходим заниматься спортом. По воскресеньям мы ходим в кинотеатр. Света любит читать книги. И я тоже. Я счастлива , что у меня есть такая подруга.

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