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05.07.2020 08:34 •  Английский язык

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста, выберите правильный вариант ответа. The company Hong Kong Housing is building a new suburb in Shanghai, a city with a population of more than 15 million people. But this suburb is not like other parts of Shanghai. It is a little piece of England. The name of the new area is English Town. The manager of Hong Kong Housing says many people in this part of China want to buy an English house and live like the English do. This town is like any other English town, for example Bristol or Chester, there is a square in the centre. In this square there are pigeons that you can feed. Some years ago you could do that in Trafalgar Square in London. English Town is also very proud of its long and busy shopping street. There are several shops in this street where you can buy traditional English food like fish and chips or Christmas pudding. Not far from it there are four English-style pubs and you can buy different English drinks there. There are no cricket fields in this new English Town. Nobody in Shanghai can play this game. But there is a football stadium like those in England because people love football. English Town even has its own football team. Also, there is a canal in the town where you can go boating like in Cambridge. However, not many people do that. The rich Shanghai businessmen can do some gardening too. Every house in English Town has an English lawn. There are also long gardens with lakes where people can walk and relax. But there is one problem. The houses in English Town cost a minimum of £400,000! English Town is in the suburb of ___ a) Shanghai b) London c) Hong Kong Many people in Shanghai want to move to England b)want to have an English lifestyle c)have nowhere to live In the centre of English Town there is . a square b) a lake c) a garden In the pubs in English Town you can buy English a) food b) drinks c) souvenirs A lot of people in Shanghai enjoy playing cricket b) going boating c) playing football 6. You can buy a house in English Town only if you are ___ a) rich b) a businessman c) British Лексика ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами. Обведите правильный ответ (а, b, с). 1. When the architects this old school, it will look like a modern sports centre. a) build b) rebuild c) building 2. Kings and queens usually live in big ___ a) cathedrals b)monuments c) palaces 3. My friend is as___ as my elder brother. He is not short at all. a) high b) tall c) big 4.It’s not easy to ___huge stone castles. a) appear b) turn into c) defend 5. I __live in the city where I was born. a) still b) by and by c) fairly 6.My dad often to the news. a) watches b) hears c) listens

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21.02.2022 12:48


I am going to move to London. (Я собираюсь переехать в Лондон.)

I’m going to fly to the Moon. (Я собираюсь полететь на Луну.)

I am going to marry at 25. (Я собираюсь жениться в 25 лет.)

We are going to have three kids. (У нас будет трое детей.)

My wife is going to become a famous actress. (Моя жена станет актрисой.)

My wife and children are going to travel all over the world. (Моя жена и дети будут путешествовать по всему миру.)

We’re going to eat in restaurants every day. (Мы будем ходить в рестораны каждый день.)

I am going to open a flying school in England. (Я собираюсь открыть летную школу в Англии.)


We aren’t going to catch that train. (Мы не успеем на тот поезд.)

He isn’t going to buy a new sofa. (Он не собирается покупать новый диван.)

They’re not going to watch a football match tonight. (Они не будут смотреть футбольный матч сегодня вечером.)

I’m not going to tell your secret to anyone. (Я не собираюсь рассказывать твой секрет кому-либо.)

Anna isn’t going to stay at home. (Анна не собирается оставаться дома.)


Are you going to speak Spanish there? (Ты будешь там разговаривать на испанском?)

Are you going to play beach volleyball? (Ты собираешься играть в пляжный волейбол?)

Are you going to stay in a good hotel? (Ты остановишься в хорошем отеле?)

Are you going to eat lobsters? (Ты собираешься есть лобстеров?)

Are you going windsurfing? (Ты будешь заниматься виндсерфингом?)


When are you going to phone him? (Когда ты собираешься позвонить ему?)

Why is that tower going to collapse? (Почему та башня собирается рухнуть?)

How many friends are going to arrive today? (Сколько друзей приедет сегодня?)

How much are you going to pay? (Сколько вы собираетесь заплатить?)

When is she going to see her dentist? (Когда она собирается увидеться с дантистом?)

Why are you going to wear a white dress tonight? (Почему ты собираешься надеть белое платье сегодня вечером?)

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21.02.2022 12:48

Family is one of the most essential aspects of life. If you can build good relationships in a family, you will succeed in this with other people, too. In addition, harmonious family constitutes a part of personal happiness. However, it is not always easy to get on well with all members of your family. Obviously, people may be in a bad temper, be nervous or lose their temper. As usual, people’s mood is influenced by stressful situations at work or at school. However, other people can also make some impact. For example, we may have problems at work or our boss punishes us for something. We can’t deal with that and usually keep down, as we can’t argue with our superior. So this negativity after work still exists inside us and we feel angry. We come back home and the first person we lash out at is always a member of our family. We shout at them or begin to quarrel about silly things with them. Of course, we might feel guilty afterwards because our loved ones don’t deserve this. It is not fair to treat them that way. However, we can’t calm down and understand that before we hurt them. The main reason why we do so is because we know they forgive us, anyway.  Nevertheless, if you want to have good relationships with your family, you should try to control your emotions, listen to your parents and relatives, talk to them and try to share your thoughts and feelings with them not to take it out on them.

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