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Задание 1
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
1. Art and life
2. In a railway museum
3. Airplane alternative
4. Long and special
5. Goods delivery
6. User and nature friendly
7. From steam to electricity
8. Not any more
A. The invention of the steam locomotive made a breakthrough in the development of the railway system in the 19th century. Today the technology seems ordinary, but two hundred years ago it was revolutionary. Steam locomotives were fueled by burning coal, wood or oil, to produce steam in a boiler, which drove the engine. Of course, large amounts of water were also needed. In the 20th century, steam engines were gradually replaced with trains fueled by diesel or electricity.
B. Some long-distance passenger trains have become famous. For example, the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia is the longest railway in the world, covering 9,259 kilometers and 10 time zones. In the United States, the California Zephyr travels between Chicago and San Francisco, and during the 3-day trip, passengers can enjoy amazing views of the Rocky Mountains. The Orient Express between Venice and Istanbul offers old-fashioned service that is luxurious, romantic, and expensive.
C. Of course, not all trains carry passengers. Many trains are freight trains, transporting goods from one location to another. The busiest freight system in the world is in China. Freight trains are usually much longer than passenger trains. The longest freight train recorded was in Australia with over 682 cars. Freight trains can carry anything — coal, cars, clothing — anything that people need. Refrigeration, which keeps food cold and fresh, revolutionized freight transportation.
D. In many countries, overnight trains are a good option to air travel. For example, you might leave one city at 11:00 at night, and arrive at your destination at 7:00 the next morning. Typically, you share a cabin with three other people, who you might be travelling with, or who you might not know at all. Your seats become your beds and the price of your ticket includes your bedding. If you want, you can order tea and a snack from the cabin attendant.
E. Authors have been using trains in literature for as long as trains have been running. Indeed, it’s hard to imagine some stories without a train in them. Even people who have never read Anna Karenina know how the famous novel’s heroine dies at the end. Many American children learn the important lessons of optimism and hard-work reading the classic story The Little Engine that Could. And of course almost everyone on the planet knows about Hogwarts Express in the Harry Potter books.
F. Many countries around the world are investing in high-speed trains. Today’s high-speed railways are amazing. They can go twice as fast as regular trains, and they are designed for passenger comfort with spacious chairs, internet access, and multi-media entertainment. High speed rail makes it possible to move many more people much faster over longer distances. High speed rail also can help the environment because it is more energy efficient and reduces cars on the roads.
G. In the 19th century, railroad travel became the fastest way to travel long distances overland. It was a great improvement over travelling by horse and wagon, which could take weeks longer than the train. But early trains weren’t comfortable. Seats were hard and the soot from the coal engine made the air very dirty. In addition, the cars were cold in winter and hot in summer because there was no heat or air conditioning. But fortunately, since those early years, train travel has become much more pleasant

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17.04.2022 16:45

Чтобы исключить слова «text, using, playing, playing, television, internet, camera» из результатов поиска, поставьте их в конце запроса со знаком минус


Nowadays a lot of people think that mobile phones are very necessary. I know that everyone at the world use a mobile phone. There are many benefits to having one.But lets see if mobile phone have only benefits or it can be danger for us. From my point of view,people must be responsible when they use thier mobile phones. I should say that I know a lot of situations when the phone may be harnmful not only only for the owner ,but also for surrounding people. I know a lot of advantages of using a mobile phone. powered by Push.World For example,having a phone means that you staing connected with other people. If you need to talk to someone you can only take your phone and call to somebody you want. Moreover,phones are compact ,that is why you can take it wherever you want. What is more you can take lots of photos with your phone and also take a video.Another important aspect of the phone is that it has access to the Internet. Owing to this we learn a lot of interesting information. On the other hand,it has their disadvantages too. When we study or work phones can be very distracting. There are a lot of situation when people use their phones while driving and have a crash. Also when you use phone to talk with somebody you have not got a face-to-face communication. You sit in front of screen and write but the same time you can sit in front of your friend.Phones not only distract us from the road but also they are dangerous to our health, they spoil our eyesight and they are radioactive. To conclude, phones are important for existence in our time. But this necessity enslaves us. It is also important to remember that using the phone should be deliberate. After all, children often use the phone for whom access to the Internet is not always safe  

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14.02.2022 12:47
Волк – дикое животное. По своему внешнему виду волк очень похож на обычную собаку, которая живет в каждом деревенском дворе.
Волк – зверь относительно крупный. Его шерсть может быть почти белой, а порой она рыжеватая. Окрас полностью зависит от того, в какой местности волк живет. Морда у этого зверя достаточно широкая, а хвост длинный.
Это выносливое животное. Волк может пробежать несколько километров в поисках пищи. Этот зверь питается мясом.
Конечно, ему сложно самому поймать крупную добычу. Когда волк хочет полакомиться лосем, ему необходимо выйти на охоту не в одиночку, а вместе с товарищами. Чтобы охота успешно, хищники предпочитают собираться в стаи.
Волки – животные, уважающие тишину. Они не лают, как это делают собаки. Но изредка по ночам можно услышать протяжный волчий вой.

Подробнее: https://obrazovaka.ru/question/rasskaz-o-lyubom-zhivotnom-2-klass-69270
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