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08.04.2021 22:12 •  Английский язык

Задание 1 Read the article below about culture shock. Are sentences 1-10 right or wrong? If there
is no information in the text to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.
Culture Shock
You are a young university graduate hoping to get your first work experience abroad. Or perhaps you
have decided to make a lifestyle change later in life and take your skills and experience abroad.
Maybe you have just found yourself transferred overseas as your company broadens its scope on the
international stage. Whatever the circumstances, there are many professional, personal and social
benefits to be gained by the experience of living and working abroad. You should also be aware,
though, that you will probably suffer from culture shock at some point. There are different feelings
associated with culture shock, and most people go through some or all of the stages described below,
though not necessarily in the same order.
1 Fascination This is the exciting part of culture shock, when everything seems wonderful, exotic
and exciting. When you first arrive your priority will, naturally, be to deal with practical
considerations such as registering with a doctor and sorting out your new accommodation, but it’s
also important to take this opportunity to get out and enjoy the new culture in which you find
2 Frustration Once the initial thrill of being in a new culture has passed, even the simplest aspects of
life abroad can feel difficult and annoying. Topping up your mobile phone, using your credit card,
paying the domestic bills - all these things are often done slightly differently in other countries, and
this can suddenly feel frustrating and difficult. You may find yourself thinking, ‘Why don’t they do it
here the way we do it in my country?’ This can affect your professional life too, if you find yourself
feeling irritated by work habits and customs that are very different from those that you are used to.
3 Depression For some people, frustration can turn to depression. Stress, anxiety and even flu-like
symptoms can make life very difficult, and may affect how well you perform your duties at work.
This stage is the hardest to deal with, but fortunately not everyone who works abroad experiences it.
4 Adaptation It takes longer for some people than others, but at some point you will adapt to the new
culture, and enjoy it on a deeper level than at the fascination stage. Most people who adapt
successfully are those who make the effort to learn at least some of the language, find out about local
customs and social etiquette, and make friends with local people.
5 Re-adjustment If your work abroad is a temporary placement, there is one more stage to go
through. Just as you have adapted to life abroad, it’s time to return home. And at that point, you are
faced with a different kind of culture shock – re-adjusting to life in your home country again.
1 University graduates often spend some time working abroad.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
2 Culture shock affects all people in the same way.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
3 More people are working abroad than in the past.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
4 Working abroad can help you develop personally as well as professionally.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
5 All foreign workers experience fascination, frustration and depression before they adapt
to a new culture.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
6 When moving to a new country, you should try to enjoy the excitement of the new
culture as well as making practical arrangements.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
7 Cultural differences in working practices can be frustrating for workers abroad.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
8 If depression makes you feel ill when you live abroad you should visit a doctor.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
9 Trying to learn even a few words of the local language can help you adapt.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
10 Re-adjustment is the final stage of culture shock for everyone who goes to work in
another country.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

Показать ответ
25.03.2020 04:50
СИМПТОМЫ И ЖАЛОБЫ 40-летний пришел домой с работы. Вечером он почувствовал головную боль и холод. мужчина на следующее утро он чувствовал себя очень плохо. Он проснулся с головной болью и болью в горле и он бежал температуры. Он понимал, что он заболел и нуждался в медицинской высокий он пытался принимать аспирин но это не сработало. Мужчина позвонил в поликлинику и попросил врача. По времени врач он едва мог говорить от пары пришли в его горло. Он был хриплым и мучил кашель. Доктор: в чем беда? Чего вам жаловаться? Пациент: чат выключен-цвет. У меня кашель и болит голова. И я чувствую боли в спине, глаза, конечности и суставы. Д.: ты температура? П.: это 38.7(тридцать восемь целых семь десятых) Д.: как долго вы уже себя так веду? П.: со вчерашнего вечера. Это фу не так Д.:РМ боишься того, что это такое. У тебя все симптомы гриппа. И неудивительно, что так много про грипп очень заразная болезнь. Почему ты мне не позвонил вчера? П.: я думал, что все будет в порядке. Д.:привет выписать рецепт. Это лекарство от вашей головной боли и он пошлет тебе температуру вниз. Принимать его каждые четыре часа после еды. Попросите кого-нибудь купить Лекарство в ближайшей аптеке. Вы должны оставаться в постели несколько дней П.: грипп будет длиться долго? Д.: надеемся, что вы будете ну раз в неделю. Но lexpect вы следовать всем моим инструкциям, как только вы почувствуете себя лучше прийти на контрольное обследование если Вы не чувствуете себя лучше, через неделю позвоните мне снова. П Д.: вовсе нет .
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17.09.2021 06:25
Saint Petersburg it one of one most beautiful cities of Russia.There is the river Neva in Saint Petersburg.There are white nights in Saint Petersburg.Saint Petersburg is a remarkable city.Saint Petersburg it is a very beautiful city. This city is an important economic, scientific and cultural center of Russia, large transport knot. Река that flows in city it is Neva. Through water objects very much bridges are laid. A city is located on the north-west of Russian Federation. Also in city many parks and entertaining centers.
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