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Русский язык

Задание № 3. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения,
подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. Somebody has stolen the painting from the gallery.
2. We didn’t know the place but we found the way without any difficulty.
3. Has anyone seen the dog today? I don’t hear his barking.
4. It is known that her best films are her early ones.
Задание № 4. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. After I’d washed my clothes they looked (old, older, the oldest) than before.
2. The mountain is said to be (high, higher, the highest) in South America.
3. The forest is (little, less, the least) than a mile away.
4. It was (boring, more boring, the most boring) story I’ve ever heard in my life.
Задание № 5. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. The river (are, am, is) deep.
2. The role which he played in her life (were, was, will have been) significant.
3. We haven’t used much electricity this month. The bill is going (have been, will be, to
be) not so big.
4. They (are, is, was) very much interested in the news.
Задание № 6. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1.… a dishwasher in the kitchen.
2.… necessary to know a password to start the computer.
3.… no point in trying to persuade Jill. She will never make up her mind.
4.Where’s the camera? … not in the cupboard.
Задание № 7. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в во и отрицательную формы.
1. The new safety system stops trains automatically.
2. I forgot about the meeting entirely.
3. She will write the questions on the blackboard.
Задание № 8. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский
1. Our son (send) us a postcard from every place he visits.
2. Last night when I turned on the radio the choir (sing) my favourite song.
3. At the moment medical staff (treat) the man in hospital for neck and arm injuries.
4. The wind speed (increase) tomorrow.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. If the weather is cloudy airliners cannot fly.
2. At the restaurant you may reserve a table beforehand.
3. The modern manager must be able to analyze complex problems.
4. If we decide to save our money we can simply keep our money in a safe place

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17.11.2021 12:40
In one of the poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky on the nature said so, "Strikes me not her beauty, amazes her patience." Indeed, for millennia people have sought to learn from nature as much as possible of its riches, sometimes even more than what she could give. Man is not Pro-hundred has changed the nature, it almost destroyed the habitat has led to the fact that he can no longer live in a new environment. Practically no such spheres of life, wherever there was standing environmental issues. On my deep belief, it is impossible to remain indifferent to the destruction of the environment, and ultimately, our lives. Very much that our consciousness is changed and we began to treat nature as a very close and dear friend. I love the Smolensk region, I consider it one of the most beautiful and uni-tion of regions of Russia. The nature of the Smolensk region needs serious protection, names-but that's why I chose the theme of his examination of the abstract protected of territory, among which the pearl is beautiful national Park "Smo-Lena Lakeland". The aim of this work was the analysis of the complex undertaken in the region of environmental protection measures for the preservation and improvement of natural conditions and existing species diversity of vegetation and wildlife, as well as the rationale for further work on creation of new especially protected natural zones in the Smolensk region. Due to the significant deterioration in the last decades the environmental condition of the region's territory and constantly existing in some parts of the emergence of new threats of negative consequences of human activities have matured the need to create multiple issues for the protection of the natural environment and managing the use of natural resources. Changes in the natural environment associated with economic activities-STU, in the Smolensk region, as in many other parts of the country, is very significant. Heavily determining the living conditions of many people, they require special under-the moves to address the issues of production development, protection and rational use of natural resources. Not only environmental conditions, but also its prediction become important factors in almost all spheres of life. How these problems are solved in the Smolensk region? While investigating this issue, I want to note that currently, unfortunately, our area does not exist a General program of rehabilitation of the natural environment. No such Pro-grams and for specific territories, administrative districts, natural regions, cities. There were only attempts of their preparation for the basins of the Dnieper, the Desna. The development of activities that ensure the cleanliness of surface and ground waters, worked on committees for the basins of these rivers, which included representatives of a number of regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Developed by committees separate activities to improve the state of the natural environment in the basins of these rivers are in practice not been implemented due to lack of funds. But in the decision of several issues on the problems of nature protection progress has been made. Analyzing presented in this abstract material, it can be concluded that at the present time on the territory of Smolensk region the protected areas system is not fully formed. You must create a new for-kasneci and monuments of nature. Indeed, at present, in the region separation; this is far from all natural objects and sites of cultural landscapes, to be worth maintaining the protection mode. It must be a territory or natural systems, have the following important conservation implications.
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30.05.2023 18:07

Сьогодні я хочу вам розповісти про журнал «Льодовиковий період». Перший номер цього журналу з’явився влітку дві тисяча десятого року у кіосках «Союздрук» і зараз він виходить у продаж один раз на два тижні. Перш за все, в цьому журналі цікаві розповіді про різних тварин та їхнє місце проживання. Наприклад, перший номер журналу був присвячений мамонтам, третій тиграм, четвертий динозаврам. Крім розповідей про тварин у журналі дуже багато ребусів, кросвордів, лабіринтів, головоломок. Також мені дуже подобається рубрика «Саморобки». Разом з журналом продається фігурка тварини, якій був присвячений цей випуск. Мені дуже подобається цей журнал, але один мінус у ньому те, що він не виходить на українській мові, а тільки на російській.

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