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Задайте 10 вопросов по тексту! the boss smiled. "i had this arranged specially last year, lije. i don't think i've showed it to you before. come over here and take a look. in the old days, all rooms had things like this. they were called 'windows'. did you know that? " baley knew that very well, having viewed many historical novels. "i've heard of them," he said. "come here," said the boss. baley squirmed a bit, but did as he was told. there was something strange about the privacy of a room being exposed to the outside world. sometimes the boss was over the top with his affection for the past. like with his glasses, baley thought. that was it! that was what made him look wrong! baley said, "pardon me, boss, but you're wearing new glasses, aren't you? " the boss stared at him in mild surprise, took off his glasses, looked at them and then at baley. without his glasses, his round face seemed rounder and his chin a little more pronounced. he looked confused, too, as his eyes couldn't focus properly. he said, "yes." he put his glasses back on his nose, then added with real anger, "i broke my old ones three days ago. what with one thing or another i wasn't able to replace them until this morning. lije, those three days were awful." "on account of the glasses? " baley asked. "and other things, too. i will tell you about that.' he turned to the window and so did baley. with mild shock, baley realised it was raining. for a minute, he was lost in the sight of water dropping from the sky, while the boss displayed a kind of pride as though the phenomenon was something he'd arranged. "this is the third time this month i've watched it rain. amazing, don't you think? " against his will, baley had to admit to himself that he was impressed. in his forty-two years he had rarely seen rain, or any pf the phenomena of nature, for that matter. he said, "it always seems a waste for all that water to come down on the city. it should limit itself to the reservoirs." "lije," said the boss, "you are too modern. that's your trouble. in the old days, people lived in the open. i don't mean on the farms only. i mean in the cities, too. even in new york. when it rained, they didn't think of it as waste. they liked it. they lived close to nature. it's healthier, better. the troubles of modern life come from being separated from nature. read up on the coal century, some time." baley had. he had heard many people moaning about the invention of the nuclear reactor. he moaned about it himself when things went wrong, or when he got tired. moaning like that was normal in human nature. back in the coal century, people moaned about the invention of the steam engine. in one of shakespeare's plays, a character moaned about the invention of gunpowder. a thousand years in the future, they'd be moaning about the invention of the human-robot brain. he said, grimly, "look, julius." (it wasn't normal for him to be so friendly with the boss at work, however many times the boss called him 'lije', but something special was called for here. "look, julius, you're talking about everything except what i came in here for, and it's worrying me. what is it? " the boss said, "i'll get to it, lije. let me do it my way. it's - it's trouble." "sure. what isn't on this planet? more trouble with the robots? " "in a way, yes, lije."

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15.01.2021 17:25
Мам:лисен Эндрю энд Роуз.Ай вонт ту тэл ю эбаут Тайни.Тайни из э гноум.Хи ливз ин э фэритэйл форест.Лук эт хиз фото.
Эндрю:Оу,хи лукс лайк э бой.
Роуз:оу,хи лукс вэри найс.
Эндрю:хи хэз вэри биг оз.
Роуз:хиз айз а кайнд.Из хи хэппи?
Мам:ез,хи из.Хи олвэйз смайлз.Энд хи офэн плэйз джокс.Хи райтс фэри тэйлз фо хиз фрэндз.
Роуз:ай синк хи лайкс айс крим.
Мам:оу,ез.Хи лайкс кейкс,айс крим,свитс,чоколад энд джэм.Хи хэз э свит тус.
Эндрю:ват даз хи лайк ту ду?
Мам:хи лайкс ту плэй компьтэ геймз,лисен ту мьюзик,райд хиз скутэ энд роллэ скейт.
Мам:лисен вай ду ю аск соу мэни квэшенз?Итс лэйт.Итс тайм ту слип.Гуд найт,слип тайт.
Роуз:Айд лайк ту мит Тайни.Гуд найт.
Эндрю:Гуд найт,мам.
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05.12.2020 14:38
There are not many theatres in my town, but they are all very popular with the public. I am a theatre lover, too. As for me, I prefer drama to all other theatres, but I also like opera and musical comedy.

I’ll never forget my first visit to the Opera and Ballet Theatre. My friend and I wanted to see the famous ballet “Swan Lake” by Tchaikovskyi. We bought the tickets in advance and came to the theatre half an hour before the show. At 7 sharp the performance began. From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. The costumes were fine. The dancing and music were thrilling. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. I had never seen anything more wonderful. My friend also enjoyed every minute of it. When the curtain fell at the end of the performance, there came a storm of applause. It seemed that it would never end. The dancers received call after call. They were presented with large bouquets of flowers. We also applauded enthusiastically. The performance was a great success.


В моем городе не так много театров, но все они очень популярны среди населения. Я тоже любитель театра. Что касается меня, я предпочитаю драматический всем другим театрам, но я также люблю оперу и музыкальную комедию.

Я никогда не забуду мой первый визит в Театр оперы и балета. Мой друг и я хотели посмотреть знаменитый балет Чайковского "Лебединое озеро". Мы купили билеты заранее, и пришли в театр за полчаса до шоу. Ровно в 7 началось представление. С первой же минуты я был глубоко впечатлен всем, что видел на сцене. Костюмы были хороши. Танцы и музыка были захватывающими. Балет показался мне сказкой. Я никогда не видел ничего прекраснее. Мой друг и я наслаждались каждой минутой. Когда занавес опустился в конце спектакля, раздался взрыв аплодисментов. Казалось, что этому не будет конца. Танцоров вызывали снова и снова. Им подарили большие букеты цветов. Мы также аплодировали с энтузиазмом. Спектакль имел большой успех.
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