Задайте к этому тексту 5-специальных, и по одному общему,разделительному и альтернативному вопросу last but not.least encourage your friends to cut down on waste too! swap magazines,books and clothes,send them a copy of this newsletter (on recyled paper of course! ) or start a use less stuff! campaigh at your school!
1)Julia couldn`t choose between two dresses.2)We spent last summer among friends in Canada. 3) Elephats are among the largest animals in the world. 4) The new American singer is popular among young people. 5) I don`t like Paul very much, but that`s between you and me. 6) The relover lay between the two boxes. 7) The tents were situated among the high trees. 8) There is a bridge between the island and the bank of the river. 9) I had English and Geography class and lunch among them. 10) You can choose between cucumber salad and tomato salad/
BETWEEN =между - используем, если речь идет о двух предметах/объектах/людях, если больше, берем AMONG=среди.
1) Julia couldn`t choose between two dresses.2)We spent last summer among friends in Canada. 3) Elephats are among the largest animals in the world. 4) The new American singer is popular among young people. 5) I don`t like Paul very much, but that`s betweem you and me. 6) The relover lay between the two boxes. 7) The tents were situated among the high trees. 8) There is a bridge between the island and the bank of the river. 9) I had English and Geography class and lunch among them. 10) You can choose between cucumber salad and tomato salad.