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Русский язык
02.06.2023 20:28 •  Английский язык

ZOOS: ARE THEY GOOD FOR MAN OR BEAST? Do you believe that animals should be kept in zoos?
There are many people today who think they should not. In order to find out people’s opinions, we asked a group of 100 people, and we were surprised by the result. About fifty per cent thought it was good; thirty per cent thought they should be in wildlife parks and twenty per cent thought that wild animals should live only in the wild. Read the opinions of these people about keeping animals in zoos.
Woman: Yes, I think zoos are a good idea, because every¬one should know something about animals, and if animals aren’t kept in zoos, people can’t real¬ly learn anything about them. Well, only from the television, and that’s not the same, is it? Children can go to zoos in order to see what they’ve been learning about at school.
Man: Well, I’m not sure. I think we need zoos be¬cause people can only study wild animals when they’re in zoos, and we can learn so much from animals, don’t you think?
Teenage girl: What do I think about zoos? Gosh, I don’t know. Well, I think that, in order for us to learn about wild animals they must be kept in captivity of some kind, but it’s cruel to keep animals in small cages. Have you ever seen the lions and tigers in a zoo? They walk up and down, absolutely bored. No, I think that wildlife parks must be the best answer.
Old man: Em, no, I don’t agree with zoos. Wildlife parks? Well, I suppose they help to preserve natural conditions for the animals, but still, I’m not sure..
Young man: Oh no, I disagree with keeping animals in cap¬tivity, whether in zoos or wildlife parks. Ani¬mals should live in the wild if they were born in the wild. When they live in cages they become bored and they become even more dan¬gerous in a way.
Older woman: No, I don’t really agree with zoos or wildlife parks. I think the only animals which should be kept in captivity are small animals which can still run and climb. Oh, and, of course, if an animal is born in a zoo or a wildlife park, it should stay there because it could never live in the wild.
Task3.Give the Russian for the following phrases from the text (use your dictionary):
to find out people’s opinions; wildlife parks; to live in the wild; be kept in captivity; walk up and down; to preserve natural conditions; to become bored; to keep animals in cages.
Task4.Say whose point of view you support? Why?
Task5.Say whose point of view you disagree with? Why?
Task6. Complete the dialogue with these words and expres¬sions:
think, don't agree, my opinion, right, personally.
William: What do you ... about zoos?
Linda: In ... , they are a good thing. I’m for them.
William: Well, I ... . I’m against them. I don’t like to see animals in cages. ... I think zoos are bad for the animals and bad for us.
Linda: That’s not ... . They aren’t bad for the animals. Animals are aggressive. We have to put them in cages.
William: I ... . I ... animals like chimps and elephants can’t live a happy life in a cage.
Linda: That’s not ... . First, elephants don’t live in cages and, secondly, why don’t they escape all the time? In ... that’s because they are happy in zoos.
Task7.Match the words to the park symbol

Task8. Complete the sentences with one of the words given in the box.
skin, hole, web, claws, flock, trap, hive,
lead, net, kennel
1. There were so many mice in the house that we bad to buy a mouse
2. We collect honey from our bee ... .
3. There is a rabbit ... in the corner of the field.
4. Martin was wearing imitation snake ... boots.
5. Be careful! Our cat has very sharp ...!
6. As my dog is very big and disobedient, I keep it on a ... .
7. Our dog never got used to sleeping inits ... .
8. We had to sleep under a ... not to be bitten by mosquitoes.
9. A dirty black lamb was following the ... , baaing quietly.
10. An enormous black spider was spinning its ... across thewindow.​

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02.02.2021 14:57

1. Do my parents watch tv in the evening? What do they usually watch? Do they invite my siblings to watch with them? Do they eat snacks while watching tv? Do they sit on the sofa?

2. Are we learning English now? Is English difficult to learn? Is the vocabulary hard? How many words is there in English? Can I learn English while watching movies?

3.Does my Friend play Football on Sunday? Is Football popular in Russia? Is it hard to play Football? Does my teacher like Football? Are shoes for Football needed to play?

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18.12.2020 01:05

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There are a lot 1… problems facing people 2… the beginning 3… the new century. The problems to be urgently solved are: ethnic conflicts, the growing world population and the ecological crisis. The first two problems are not so vital because they are local ones. Ecological crisis is our mutual problem.

The environment needs to be protected. Millions 4… people 5…... our planet suffer air pollution: cars, factories and plants produce wastes that poison the atmosphere and cause the holes 6…... the sky. Scientists first discovered the hole 7…... 1982. Now it's getting bigger. Man-made chemicals (CFCs) destroy the ozone layer. The ozone layer stops the utraviolet radiation 8…... the sun which causes sunburn and skin cancer. CFCs come 9…... fridges, air-conditioners, aerosol cans and 10…... the manufacture 10…. ... some plastic products. There's another problem. We breathe 11… carbon dioxide (C02). During the last century we have produced much 12… ... it. The sun warms the atmosphere and then some of the heat escapes 13 ……. space. But the carbon dioxide doesn't allow it to get 14… The atmosphere becomes warmer. It is called the "greenhouse effect" and it is dangerous 15 … all the living-beings. Some scientists think that it'll make the world hotter and change the climate all 16 … the world.

Trees take carbon dioxide 17… the air and produce oxygen. Big rain-forests are very helpful. But parks and gardens 18…. ... our cities also help us. We should remember that trees can help the Earth and try not to destroy them. That's why we should be kind 19…. . .. birds and animals, they protect large and small forests 20……


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