Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
ПАПОРОТНИК На нижней части листа, в специальных органах - спорангиях образуются споры. Затем спора прорастает образуя сердцевидный заросток с женскими и мужскими половыми органами ( антеридиями и архегониями) . Далее при воды (капель росы, дождя и т. п. ) сперматозоиды оплодотворяют яйцеклетки и при их слиянии образуется зигота. Из зиготы развивается зародыш. Далее цикл повторяется. МОХ Оплодотворение осуществляется в присутствии воды (во время дождя или обильной росы). Двужгутиковые сперматозоиды проникают в архегоний и оплодотворяют яйцеклетку. Образуется зигота. Из нее на верхушке женского гаметофита вырастает спорофит, имеющий вид коробочки на ножке. Коробочка сверху прикрыта колпачком. Внутри коробочки образуется спорангий, в нем после мейотического деления формируются споры. После созревания спор колпачок, а затем крышечка отпадают, и споры рассеиваются и разносятся ветром. В благоприятных условиях из них вырастают тонкие зеленые ветвящиеся нити - протонемы. На нити образуются «почки», которые дают начало новым растениям гаметофитов.
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Оплодотворение осуществляется в присутствии воды (во время дождя или обильной росы). Двужгутиковые сперматозоиды проникают в архегоний и оплодотворяют яйцеклетку. Образуется зигота. Из нее на верхушке женского гаметофита вырастает спорофит, имеющий вид коробочки на ножке. Коробочка сверху прикрыта колпачком. Внутри коробочки образуется спорангий, в нем после мейотического деления формируются споры. После созревания спор колпачок, а затем крышечка отпадают, и споры рассеиваются и разносятся ветром. В благоприятных условиях из них вырастают тонкие зеленые ветвящиеся нити - протонемы. На нити образуются «почки», которые дают начало новым растениям гаметофитов.