Сommunication tools, which are almost always available and relatively easy to use, greatly facilitate our communication.The exchange of information can take place in just a few seconds, which is extremely convenient and economical both in terms of time and money. Previously, in order to, for example, contact a person with whom you can not meet in reality, you had to use traditional mail, which is sometimes just inconvenient, and, moreover, slow and expensive (compared to free mail services on the network). In addition, the parcel could get lost, get damaged on the way - the human factor could also play a cruel joke with the recipient and sender - so such a dialogue at a distance could last for many years, but, at the same time, contain no more than a dozen replicas. There is almost no hope that the email you sent will get lost or get damaged "on the road", so if your message remains unanswered, it is much more likely that the recipient simply ignored it, rather than "loss in the Network" or any other problems.
One of the disadvantages of "fast communication" is the devaluation of the language, which has already become widespread illiteracy of Internet users, often developing into a disaster of catastrophic proportions. And yet, if the designated user did not have the opportunity to show the world their knowledge of the language, no one would have known about his success - apparently, and his school teacher - which suggests that it is not necessarily the speech "became poor" with the advent of communication tools: just the means of communication gave us the opportunity to contact someone, Yes, creating a similar problem.
болочка молодых клеток представляет собой очень тонкую кожицу или пленку, едва достигающую 0,001 мм, очень нежную, стекловидную, прозрачную, эластичную и легкопроницаемую для воды и водных растворов. Оболочка — это продукт деятельности протопласта и жизненными функциями не обладает. После отмирания протопласта клетка, несмотря на целость оболочки, будет мертвой. Древесина растущего дерева (в первую очередь ядровая часть) в основном, а срубленная древесина полностью состоят из таких клеток, с отмершим протопластом, т. е. только из клеточных оболочек. В момент образования оболочки клеток древесина состоит из пектиновых соединений, которые, однако, спустя непродолжительное время превращаются в целлюлозу; так, по имеющимся данным, оболочки трахеид сосны в зоне камбия на 85% состоят из целлюлозы и сопровождающих ее гемицеллюлоз. Микрохимическая реакция для обнаружения целлюлозы под микроскопом заключается в синем или фиолетовом окрашивании ее хлорцинкиодом. Клетчатка, или целлюлоза, относится к органическим соединениям (полисахаридам), не содержащим в своем составе азота, родственным крахмалу и сахару; она обладает нейтральной реакцией. Формула целлюлозы следующая: (С6Н10О5), где п — коэффициент полимеризации. Макромолекула целлюлозы имеет нитевидную форму (цепная молекула) и состоит из п остатков глюкозы, соединенных главными валентностями в длинный ряд, в котором каждый из остатков глюкозы повернут относительно соседних остатков на 180° (см. структурную формулу). В состав макромолекул входит от 200 до 3500 остатков глюкозы (п = 200÷3500). Диаметр такой макромолекулы около 5,7 ангстрема, а длина от 1 х 10-5 до 1,8 х 10-4 см.
What are the advantages?
Сommunication tools, which are almost always available and relatively easy to use, greatly facilitate our communication.The exchange of information can take place in just a few seconds, which is extremely convenient and economical both in terms of time and money. Previously, in order to, for example, contact a person with whom you can not meet in reality, you had to use traditional mail, which is sometimes just inconvenient, and, moreover, slow and expensive (compared to free mail services on the network). In addition, the parcel could get lost, get damaged on the way - the human factor could also play a cruel joke with the recipient and sender - so such a dialogue at a distance could last for many years, but, at the same time, contain no more than a dozen replicas. There is almost no hope that the email you sent will get lost or get damaged "on the road", so if your message remains unanswered, it is much more likely that the recipient simply ignored it, rather than "loss in the Network" or any other problems.
One of the disadvantages of "fast communication" is the devaluation of the language, which has already become widespread illiteracy of Internet users, often developing into a disaster of catastrophic proportions. And yet, if the designated user did not have the opportunity to show the world their knowledge of the language, no one would have known about his success - apparently, and his school teacher - which suggests that it is not necessarily the speech "became poor" with the advent of communication tools: just the means of communication gave us the opportunity to contact someone, Yes, creating a similar problem.