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30.08.2020 12:38 •  Другие предметы

Choose the correct alternatives to complete the senteces . 1. i think ( that , this) is my mathers car over there. 2. have you got a pet? No , i ( dont, havent). 3. Be (careful, carefully) when you cross this road. Htere are lost of cars. 4. Have you got ( any, some) water? 5. Pliase (stand up, dont stand up) . Weve got another five minutes of the lesson. 2) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given . 1. She plays thepiano but ... (sing). 2. ... you ... (go) to that new sports shop last weekend? 3. I cant stand ... ( get up) early. 4. She ... ( stay) at Martas house tomorrow evening. 5. I ... never ... ( speak ) to her . Is she friendly? 3) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. 1 . stay, He , late, doesnt, out, usually. 2 . you , seen, Have , ever, elephant, an, ?. 3. is, a, bag, There, in, my, pen. 4. phone, expensive, That, mine, was, more, than. 5. to, have, help, You, dont, me. 4) Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C. 1. You ... help each other in the exam. A must , B dont have to, C mustnt. 2. I usually go running ... Sunday momings. A in, B at, C on. 3. Usain Bolt is ... runner in the world. A the most fast, B the more fast , C the fastest. 4. I think tharts ... house. The one with the blue door. A they, B their, C theirs. 5 Thats ... very nice picture youve painted. A a , B an, C any. 6) Circle the odd one out. 1 ruler, pencil, chair, rubber. 2. husband, niece, player, aunt. 3 . blog, speaker, password, website. 4. badly- paid, unskilled, full- time, clever. 5. stormy, raining, sunny, cloudy. 7)Read the definitions and write the correct words. 1. You leran about countries, oceans and the world in this school subject: . 2. You can get books for a short time in this place: ... . 3. You usually sleep in this room : ... . 4. Boys wear these in the swimming pool: ... . 5. This connects your head and your body: ... . 8) Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentenes. 1. Its quite ( windy,warm) today so im not going to wear a jacket. 2. You have to ( log on , click on ) before you can use the computer. 3. What time is ( lunch, dinner) ? . At seven oclock. 4. Shes very( calm, kind) . Shes always relaxed, even in difficult situations. 5. Thats the winner over there. Hes wearing his ( meda, cup) 9) Choose the best answer ( A, B or C ) to complete the text. 1. ... to go to Valencia. 2. ... the holidays with my mum and dad.My dad. 3. ... the city before and he says. 4 ... great. Its also got . 5. ... sea life park in Europe and. 6. ... animals from all of the . 7 . ... in the world. Its really big so you. 8. ... spend the day there. Were going to get on the internet so we wont have any problems getting in. 1.A go, B going , C 'm going . 2 . A at, B in, C on. 3. A visits, B is visiting, C has visited. 4 A its, B hes, C theyre. 5 A the biggest, B the bigger, C the most big . 6 A theres, B there are , C are there. 7. A lakes, B rivers, C oceans. 8. A dont have to ,B mustant, C have to. 10) Read the article about a cycle trip. the heading have been removed from the article. Choose from the headings A- E the one which fits each gap. An amazing adventure 1. ... Elghteen year old jerome williams has become one of the yougest people to cycle around the world . After eight months and 19000 miles , jerome returned home yesterday. 2. ... jerome stated his journey late year in that time he has cycled more that 100 milles every day. Hes ridden across desert , over mountains and through rainforests and hes crossed four continents. 3. Ive done lost of cycling in my life but its alwar been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world.For me, the most interesing place was South America. There was lost to see and the people were really friendly. 4. One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and i wasnt sore how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind. 5. Before i went , i only wanted to see the well - known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world , they were pĺeased to see me and help me . Its given me a lot of confldenece and now i want to do it again. A Seeing the world, B Cycling every day,C The best thing, D Coming home, E Problems on the road .

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07.06.2020 08:36

1) не выполнять упражнения на спортивных снарядах без учителя или его Не выполнять упражения на спортивных снарядах с влажными ладонямм. не стоять близко к спортивному снаряду при выполнении упражнений другим обучающимся. при выполнении прыжков и соскоков со спортивных снарядов приземляться мягко на носки ступней, пружинисто приседая. при выполнении упражнений потоком (один за другим) соблюдать достаточные интервалы, чтобы не было столкновений.

2) Не отводить взгляда от летящего мяча до тех пор, пока он не коснется кончиков пальцев. Вытягивай руки навстречу летящему мячу и раслабь локти и кисти. Расставь пальцы в стороны, образуя ими полусферу. Согни руки в локтях, после того, как мяч коснется кончиков пальцев. Не касайся мяча ладонями. Выходи навстречу летящему мячу.

3) Разбег- замах- скрестный шаг- бросок

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06.06.2023 07:00

Сочинение по картине К.Юона "Конец зимы.Полдень" предлагаю составить так:

  На картине К. Юона "Конец зимы.Полдень" изображено удивительное время - конец весны. На улицах еще лежит снег, но дни становятся погожими, безветренными. Действие картины происходит где-то в деревне. На переднем плане мы видим дом. Он сделан из дерева. Перед домом по снегу бегают куры. За забором мы видим лыжников. Они наслаждаются последними зимними деньками.

  Перед домом растут березы и ели. Вдали виднеется лес. Он густой и заснеженный. Ели в лесу очень высокие. Создается впечатление, что вся природа замерла в ожидании весны. Картина очень светлая и вызывает только положительные эмоции. Она напоминает всем нам о том, что в каждом времени года есть что-то прекрасное.

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