Do male enhancement pills work for all men? me repeat male enhancement pills do not work for all men. to date there are no male enhancement pills whether prescription, non-prescription, or natural herbal male enhancement pills that work 100% of the time for everyone. if any male enhancement product maker claims their product works 100% of the time for everyone, they are making false claims and misleading the consumer that it is going to work for everyone. what many male enhancement pill companys do claim and back is that their products do workfor 85-90% of all men who have taken them. that appears to also be backed by the millions of sexually satisfied male enhancement customers. but more importantly, if you try a male enhancement product and find yourself to be that 1 out of 10 men that the product does not work for, most makers offer a 30 day money back guarantee that states that you simply return the unused product and they will refund your money.
<ВАР=30⁰, <APB = 60⁰ в треугольнике АВР. Смежный угол <APC=120⁰
Треугольник АРС - равнобедренный (АР=РС по доказанному), РО - высота, медиана, биссектриса, т.е. <АРО=<СРО=60⁰, <РАО=30⁰ (сумма углов треугольника равна 180⁰)
<ВАД=90⁰, <ВАР=30⁰, <РАС=30⁰ <ОАТ=90-(30+30)=30⁰, значит <РАТ=60⁹
Получили, треугольник АРТ - равносторонний, т.к. <P=<A=<t=60⁰
Значит, РТ=АР=АТ=8см, Р(АРСТ)=8*4=32(см)