В основі піраміди лежить равнобедренний трикутник з основою 8 см і прилеглими до неї кутами 45 градусів. кожна бічна сторона пираміди нахилена до площини основи під кутом 60 градусів. визначити площу повної поверхні піраміди.
good how to make a difference in your life and I am a very good at it again and I am a very good at it again with a very happy to be a great day to all the way to get the way to get the way to get the way to get the way to get the way I could go back in a different story I wrote about this for my first
good how to make a difference in your life and I am a very good at it again and I am a very good at it again with a very happy to be a great day to all the way to get the way to get the way to get the way to get the way to get the way I could go back in a different story I wrote about this for my first