Do you want to go to the country? My wife asked me on Sunday. "I'd love to", I answered. We decided to go to Kuskovo and got there at eleven in the morning. The weather was fine and we had a long walk in the park. We went back to town at four in the afternoon. We had dinner, and in the evening we went to the theatre. (We often go to the cinema or to the theatre on Saturday or Sunday). The play was very interesting and we liked it very much. Then we went home. At home we had supper, played the game of chess and went to bed at 12 o'clock.
Do you want to go to the country? My wife asked me on Sunday. "I'd love to", I answered. We decided to go to Kuskovo and got there at eleven in the morning. The weather was fine and we had a long walk in the park. We went back to town at four in the afternoon. We had dinner, and in the evening we went to the theatre. (We often go to the cinema or to the theatre on Saturday or Sunday). The play was very interesting and we liked it very much. Then we went home. At home we had supper, played the game of chess and went to bed at 12 o'clock.
Напишите небольшое сочинение – описание иллюстрации И.И. Пчелко, при необходимости используя вопросы:
1.Расскажите, кто и в какой момент изображён на иллюстрации.
2.Расскажите, чем занят герой (герои) картины.
3. Опишите персонажа, его внешность, позу, движения. Обратите особое внимание на выражение лица, глаз. Какие чувства передаёт автор картины?
4.Отметьте необходимые для понимания ситуации и характеров героев детали фона.
5.Как художник относится к своим героям?
6.Какова главная мысль иллюстрации?