1. к судебной реформе относятся – гласность судов. 2. земские учреждения не решали вопроса о строительстве дорог. 3. дворяне преобладали в земствах. 4. государственные крестьяне – временнообязанные 5. редакционные комиссия собирали статистические данные о крестьянских наделов 6. земля становилась собственностью крестьянской общины 7. 20% от стоимости надела (80% платило государство) 8. мировые посредники решали споры крестьян с помещиками. 9. до перехода на выкуп – крепостные 10. уголовные и гражданские дела – окружной суд специально отобранные люди для вынесения вердикта (мужчина из любого сословия в возрасте от 25 до 70 лет, умеющий читать по- и проживавший не менее двух лет в уезде)
не знаю что писать но спс за Hit the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are notified that any dissemination distribution or copying of this email and any attachments is intended only for the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you.
не знаю что писать но спс за Hit the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are notified that any dissemination distribution or copying of this email and any attachments is intended only for the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you.