Составьте предложения, преобразуя приведенные предложения в деепричастные обороты. Запишите составленные предложения по образцу, объясните знаки препинания при обособленных обстоятельствах.
◆позвонить бабушки и дедушке, чтобы узнать об
их здоровье.
◆ Выслушать друга, даже если очень торопишься пожилым людям донести тяжёлые сумки до дома упавшему на льду прохожему.
◆ Накорми бездомное животное.
◆ пожелать доброго утра продавщице.
i think the life in the city is much better and more convenient than the life in the country.there are many good things in cities.there are many big stores,restaurants, theatres,cinemas,art galleries.we have more the job opportunities because there are a lot of companies and organisations.the hospitals are better in the cities.the education in the cities is always much better than in countryside.there are many schools and universities.we can enjoy our lives with those things such as using internet.internet speed in the city is quite good.in the city there is a developed transport system and the roads are better.i can say that life in the city is much more active.it is possible to go out and make friends.it is clear that city is the best place to live. i choose the city!