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Русский язык
10.01.2023 06:02 •  Русский язык

Ссочинение-миниатюра александр александрович реформатский говорил, что «местоимения, как запасные игроки в футболе или дублёры в театре, выходят на поле, когда вынужденно игру самостоятельные части речи». как вы понимаете смысл высказывания? согласны ли вы с мнением учёного? письменно обоснуйте свой ответ.

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16.03.2020 19:52


Распределите слова по пяти указанным группам в соответствии с тем, как в этих словах

произносятся безударные гласные; вставьте в слова пропущенные буквы. если возможно,

устно подберите проверочные слова. учтите, что некоторые слова попадут сразу в не-

сколько групп.

р..ссвет, пр..сл..ниться, з..ря, з..р..батывать, п..пл..вок,

в..р..тник, т..ж..ло, возр..ст, ..рг..н..затор, пр..д..стория, б..зъ..зы-

кий, г..сударство, зол..то, ш..лк..пряд, ц..к..туха, р..вн..ст..ронний, ,

п..р..з..р..дить, пр..зид..ум, пр..добрый, п..ш..ве-

ливать, с..ч..тание, пр..к..саться, р..весник, б..чевка, к..лач,

ст..р..ж..вой, сверх..нт..ресный, ..тр..сл..вой, б..рез..вый, вы-


1. безударное [а] (аканье):

а) написание гласного проверяется ударением;

б) написание гласного не проверяется ударением.


2. безударное [и] (иканье):

а) написание гласного проверяется ударением;

б) написание гласного не проверяется ударением.

3. безударное [ы] (ыканье):

а) написание гласного проверяется ударением;

б) написание гласного определяется иными правилами.

4. чередующиеся гласные в корнях слов.

5. написание гласного определяется иными правилами.Западно-тю́ркский кагана́т — раннесредневековое тюркское государство (603—704), расположенное от Чёрного моря и Дона до восточных отрогов Тянь-Шаня и северо-восточной Индии. Западные владения каганата доходили до степей юго-восточной Европы[1]. Ядром государства был район Семиречья, населённый племенами дулу, и Западный Тянь-Шань с племенами нушиби.[2] Управлялся каганами из династии Ашина. От него отделился Хазарский каганат.

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23.12.2021 17:09
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character.
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor coun
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