Упражнение 273. Найдите в толковом словаре два-три са имеющие переносное значение. Какие пометки имеет салу статья, включающая в себя слово с переносным значением? Слесен и запишите предложения со всеми значениями выбранных caC%. Би
once i was going shopping. my mom asked me to buy few products: flour, strawberries and milk. she wanted to make a pie
i went to my local shop. i had a notebook where i have written all of my products. when i came, i was looking for stawberries for a long time! i couldn’t really find them, because most of them were too bad. but suddenly i’ve found a basket with fresh strawberries. also, i had problems with milk: there were no import of milk, so i was really disappointed. but when i was finding flour, i’ve found one package of milk
after all, i came to the cashbox, and then after having a total bill, i realized that i’ve left all my money at my pocket, which i’ve left on a sofa. this was the most annoying thing in my life! i came home faster, and brought it with me, and finally i’ve paid all my bill and took the products
[В незапамятные времена здесь было== большое болото__], (которое__ потом высохло== и заросло==), и [сейчас о нём напоминал== только вековой мох__ да обилие__ багульника__].
once i was going shopping. my mom asked me to buy few products: flour, strawberries and milk. she wanted to make a pie
i went to my local shop. i had a notebook where i have written all of my products. when i came, i was looking for stawberries for a long time! i couldn’t really find them, because most of them were too bad. but suddenly i’ve found a basket with fresh strawberries. also, i had problems with milk: there were no import of milk, so i was really disappointed. but when i was finding flour, i’ve found one package of milk
after all, i came to the cashbox, and then after having a total bill, i realized that i’ve left all my money at my pocket, which i’ve left on a sofa. this was the most annoying thing in my life! i came home faster, and brought it with me, and finally i’ve paid all my bill and took the products
ответ: разбор⁴
[В незапамятные времена здесь было== большое болото__], (которое__ потом высохло== и заросло==), и [сейчас о нём напоминал== только вековой мох__ да обилие__ багульника__].
Характеристика: повествоват., невоскл., сложное с различными типами связи: 1е (главное в подчинительной связи) - двусоставн., полное, ра .; 2е (придаточное определительное) - двусоставн., полное, ра ., осложнено однородными сказуемыми; 3е (связано с 1м сочинительной связью) - двусоставн., полное, ра ., осложнено однородными подлежащими.
Объяснение: ○ - значки ОЧ.
[== __], (которое__ ○= и ○=), и [== ○_ и ○_].