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11.03.2022 09:25 •  Английский язык

1) a set of rooms usually on one floor, often in a tower block *

2) a house which shares one wall with another to form a pair of houses *

a house without stairs which is on one level *

a small, old house with a roof made of straw *

a house in a line of similar houses *

a very large house *

We often have lunch outside on the when the weather is fine. *

There's a wooden around the garden to keep people out. *

They're building a onto the outside of their house. *

His flat doesn't get a lot of light because it's in the *

Go up the stairs to the and the bathroom is on the left. *

All of my old toys are up in the *

It's dark in here because I haven't opened the yet. *

Our garage is full of old furniture, so we have to leave our car on the *

Task 2 Change bolded word with the correct adjective
We've just bought a VERY ATTRACTIVE old farmhouse which we're going to restore. *

The living room looked extremely WARM AND INVITING in the firelight. *

I'm looking for a place in a FUN AND EXCITING part of town. *

Nobody has lived in the family home for years, so today it looks IN VERY BAD CONDITION. *

Their living quarters areUNCOMFORTABLY SMALL because four of them are sharing the same room. *

She lives in a flat in a MODERN building which is very conveniently located. *

Task 3. Complete the sentences with do, make, or take.
You can usually one look at a house to know whether you want to live there or not. *

You shouldn't more than 120 km/h when you're driving on a motorway in Spain. *

I can't up my mind what to wear to the party tonight. *

They're going to the spare room into a nursery for their new baby. *

We were prepared for last night's storm, so it didn't a lot of damage. *

I'd like to French lessons, but I can't seem to find the time. *

Task 4. Conditionals
If it , I would stay at home. *

will rain
When the plates ,the result an earthquake. *

will move/is
would move/was
moved/could be
If you come with me, Ithe shopping with you. *

'll come
'd come
've come
's been come
If I you, I'd invite Jane to the party. *

's been
would be
If the water enough, let's go swimming! *

will warm
is warming
You can stay here you keep quiet. *

as long as
what if
in case
The car (not), if you disconnected the cable. *

not started
didn't start
wouldn't start
won't start
I wouldn't live in a cold climate unless I to. *

don't have
will have
didn't have
I wish I with you. But I'm too busy now. *

would go
had gone
will go
was going
I wish I come to the zoo with you next weekend, but I’m going to be busy. *

am going to
If only I stronger. *

had been
Bruce he more money so he could buy a new sweater. *

will wish/had
wishes/will have
If only you watching television while I am talking to you next time. *

would stop
will stop
Of course Tom wishes he with us to Paris, but he has to stay here. *

could come
will come
Task 5 Would rather/had better
write with a small word. Type only would rather/had better+verb (E.g would rather stay)
Mark (stop) smoking . Look at him! *

She(get) here soon or she’ll miss the opening ceremony. *

I thought I (come) myself. *

I you didn’t tell anyone about our plans. *

I don't want to go for a walk. I(have) a rest. *

Betty (drive) carefully, she has already crashed two cars. *

Peter (lie) on the beach than climb mountains. *

I (have) tea than coffee. *

I (speak) to Jillian first. *

You (turn) that music down before dad gets angry. *

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02.03.2023 22:24
Вот держи .тут с переводомeating habits of my family the food you eat may affect your general condition and mood. it can even affect the risk for certain diseases.  i would like to tell you about the eating habits of my family. we normally try to eat only healthy food however, it’s not always possible. speaking about the place, where we eat, i should mention that my mum thinks the background for meal is very important and we agree with her. we are trying to eat at home and we avoid ordering take-away food. my mum is a good cook, so we eat the home-made dishes only. sometimes on friday evenings for dinner we go to a restaurant. we normally pick a quiet place with italian food on the menu. that’s because everyone in our family loves pizza, pasta and risotto. there are weekends when together with family and friends we go on a picnic. that’s where we break the rules of healthy eating. my dad always makes a barbecue there. as you know grilled meat is not very healthy. there are days when we go fishing. in that case he cooks the freshly caught fish. on such days i wish i had been a vegetarian. anyway, when we are at home, we eat healthy. our breakfast consists of either oatmeal or a plateful of cereal. sometimes my mum makes roasted toasts and an omelette. we drink either orange juice or green tea. we try to avoid black coffee as it’s not very healthy. during the day we eat lots of fruit and vegetables. my mum bakes delicious cakes, but she tries to reduce the amount of sugar. so, her baking is never too sweet. to sum up, i’d like to mention that there are three main components of health lifestyle: healthy eating, physical exercise and leisure activities. thus, a healthy diet can be good for your overall health. пища, которую вы едите, может влиять на общее состояние и настроение. она даже может влиять на риск развития некоторых заболеваний. я хотела бы рассказать вам о пище моей семьи. мы обычно стараемся есть только здоровую еду, однако, не всегда так получается. говоря о месте, где мы едим, я должна отметить, что моя мама фон важной частью приема пищи, и мы с ней согласны. мы стараемся всегда есть дома и стараемся не заказывать продуктов на вынос. моя мама хорошо готовит, так что мы едим только блюда. иногда в вечер пятницы на ужин мы ходим в ресторан. мы обычно выбираем тихое место с итальянским меню. это потому что все в нашей семье любят пиццу, пасту и ризотто. бывают выходные дни, когда вместе с семьей и друзьями мы устраиваем пикник. вот, где мы нарушаем правила здорового питания. мой папа всегда там жарит шашлык. а, как известно, жареное мясо не полезно. бывают дни, когда мы ходим на . тогда он готовит свежевыловленную рыбу. в такие дни я хочу стать вегетарианцем. в любом случае, когда мы дома, мы едим здоровую пищу. наш завтрак состоит либо из овсяных хлопьев, либо из тарелки каши. иногда моя мама делает тосты и яичницу. мы пьем либо апельсиновый сок, либо зеленый чай. мы стараемся не употреблять черный кофе, так как это не полезно. в течение дня мы едим много фруктов и овощей. моя мама печет вкусные торты, но она старается урезать количество сахара. таким образом, ее кондитерские изделия никогда не бывают слишком сладкими. подводя итог, я хотела бы сказать, что у здорового образа жизни есть три основные составляющие: здоровое питание, и досуг. таким образом, здоровое питание может хорошо сказаться на вашем здоровье в целом.
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07.02.2022 23:01
1) we thought that he will translate the text next lesson. they were sure that you have answered the letter already. 2) she hoped that you help her some time. i thought that my friend has seen this film already. 3) i was sure that the teacher will ask me at the next lesson. she thought that didthe lab. work at that time. 4) we understood that you have done this work already. i hoped that my sister will cometo moscow next month. 5) we knew that our friend reads newspapers every day. they saw that i had written an exercise at that time. 6) we hoped that train starts in time. they were sure that you have passed all exams already. 7) we knew that he had kepthis promise. i thought that my friend  played tennis at that time. 8) she was sure that she had bought flowers in the market. we didn't know that he has gone  on business trip already. 9) they understood that he was preparing for the exam at that time. he said that he will return in 10 minutes. 10) i was sure that you had done this work quickly.
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