1. Придумайте одно словосочетание с притяжательным падежом, используя тему «Apple Company» 2. Придумайте одно словосочетание с притяжательным падежом, используя тему «Microsoft Company»
3. Придумайте одно словосочетание с притяжательным падежом, используя тему «English lessons»
Cone:How many systems you to want to buy?
Petrov:10 systems. If they to operate well in ourclimateandwe have no problems with them we to place more orders later.
Cone:Fine. When you to need the equipment?
Petrov:The sooner — the better. The summer season on the coast of the Black Sea to start in April.
Cone:We can’t promise you immediate delivery now. But I to con¬ tact our people in Osaka today and to talk it over with them. I hope we to complete the delivery by the end of March.