2. Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box. five minutes suppose but later can the moment
A Vicky, (1) you make your bed, please?
B Yes, (2) , OK? I’m busy
аt (3) . I want to finish this magazine!
A Vicky, you need to make your bed now!
B I’ll do it in (4) , I promise.
A I (5) so, but please don’t forget!
Yesterday I went with my sister to buy something for her birthday. She didn't really know what to get but she seemed to like the idea of a pet, so we went to the nearest pet shop. She started looking around at all the animals. The man in the shop let her pick up the rabbits and stroke the hamsters, but when she saw some puppies playing in a box, she said that she would like to have one of them. I didn't know if we had enough money to buy one and I hoped my mother wouldn't object to have a dog in the house, but my sister promised to look after it properly and we did have enough money, so we bought a little brown dog. The man gave us a special brush for brushing him and some special food. Tomorrow we're going to take Splash to the beach.
Майкл Фарадей - один из великих ученых в истории человечества в области электричества. Он родился в маленькой деревне вблизи Лондона 11 сентября 1 791 года в бедной семье. Его семья жила впроголодь. В возрасте 13 лет Майкл пошел работать в переплетный магазин, потому что не получил образования. Некоторые научные работы и статьи, которые через его руки, возбудили интерес к науке, и он начал читать. Спустя некоторое время Майкл стал учеником великого ученого того времени, сэра Хамфри Дэйви. Мальчик сопровождал Дэйви в поездках по Европе. Образовательная ценность этих поездок была велика. Фарадей встретил Ампера, одного из выдающихся ученых, который уже сделал себе имя в истории электричества.
Today almost all the electricity we use generated by great machines with magnets in them, but in those days no one knew how to it. That's why the English scientist danced with delight on his table when he got what he wanted by moving the magnet near wire. This was a great moment in the history of man's electrical experiments. But Faraday didn't stop at this.