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16.12.2021 07:13 •  Английский язык

2 Complete the sentences with the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 He’s busy. He (work) on the computer at the moment.
2 He (do) his homework. He’s out with his friends.
3 It (rain) again. I hate this weather.
4 Do you want the dictionary? I (use) it.
5 I (go) to school today. I’m ill.
6 (you wait) for Jackie? She’s in the canteen.
Mark ___ /6
3 Complete the sentences with can or can’t.
1 I play tennis very well but I’m a good swimmer.
2 you cook Italian food?
3 My grandad use the Internet very easily. It’s difficult for him.
4 My friend play the guitar but he’s not very good!
Mark ___ /4
4 Complete the sentences with the correct adverb form of the adjectives in the box.
good quick bad slow
1 We always walk home because we chat a lot!
2 I have to practise my English. I write it so .
3 The teacher speaks very and I can’t always understand her.
4 I don’t play chess very . I usually lose!
Mark ___ /4
5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 I usually wear a when it’s cold.
A jacket B t-shirt
2 Bill doesn’t have to wear to work.
A socks B a tie
3 My sister always wears the same pink to parties. It’s horrible!
A dress B tracksuit
4 When it’s raining I wear long .
A trainers B boots
5 Mark’s got a lot of white .
A skirts B shirts
Mark ___ /5
6 Complete the text with the words in the box.
audience bands stage festival play
The Harmer Arts (1) is always at the end of June, and they usually have some excellent (2). They (3) on a big (4) in Downford Park. The people in the (5) often stay in the park overnight and sleep on the grass! It’s a great weekend!
Mark: ___ /5
7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
athletics chess jogging fashion photography
1 My sister goes every morning before breakfast.
2 I’m interested in and I always look at the new clothes in magazines.
3 I have a fantastic new camera and I learn to use it at the club on Wednesdays.
4 In the summer we go but I hate running!
5 My brother and I often play in the evenings.
8 Read the text.
Children’s parties
Children’s parties are getting very expensive in the UK today. Everyone likes a party, especially when it’s a child’s birthday. A birthday is a very important day in the year. Children love the presents, the cards and the party. The problem is… the money.
It’s like a competition for the children and the parents. The children want to invite ALL their friends, not only one or two. They want a big cake not a small one, new clothes and wonderful games. They want their party to be special. The parents have to spend a lot of money on all these things. Some parents pay a party planner to organise their child’s party. That is very expensive. It is very popular today to have a special children’s show at the party. This is fun and the children love it but it is also expensive. There is usually a lot of food and drink at the party for the children AND their parents. And the birthday child often gives presents to all his/her friends when they go home. A lot of money!
Matt Kelsall and his wife are organising a party for their daughter, Katy. ‘It’s crazy,’ says Mark. ‘But all her friends have big, expensive parties and we have to organise a big party too! She’s only three years old. What about when she’s a teenager?!’
9 Choose the best answer.
1 Today on their birthday children like
A to go out with a lot of friends.
B to invite a lot of friends to a party.
2 Parents pay a party planner to
A give a special show.
B organise the party.
3 At parties today
A there are lots of children.
B there are lots of children and lots of parents.
4 Matt is organising a big party because
A all his daughter’s friends have big parties.
B he wants to give his daughter a big party.
5 Matt’s daughter is
A a teenager.
B very young.
Mark: __ /10
10 Imagine you are organising a party for a club you go to. Write an invitation. Include this information:
· the time and place
· the type of party
· some extra information about food, clothes or activities
Mark: __ /10 Total: __ /60

Показать ответ
17.03.2020 20:22


1. "I was very tired," she said.

→ She said she had been very tired.

2. "Be careful, Ben," she said.

→ She told Ben to be careful.

3. "I will get myself a drink," she says.

→ She says she will get herself a drink.

4. "Why haven't you phoned me?" he asked me.

→ He wondered why I hadn't phoned him.

5. "I cannot drive them home," he said.

→ He said he couldn't drive them home.

6. "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.

→ She told the boys not to play on the grass.

7. "Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me.

→ She asked me where I had spent my holidays the previous year.

8. He said, "Don't go too far."

→ He advised her not to go too far.

9. "Have you been shopping?" he asked us.

→ He wanted to know if we had been shopping.

10. "Don't make so much noise," he says.

→ He asks us not to make so much noise.


1. He said, "I like this song."

→ He said he liked that song.

2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me.

→ She asked me where my sister was.

3. "I don't speak Italian," she said.

→ She said she didn't speak Italian.

4. "Say hello to Jim," they said.

→ They asked me to say hello to Jim.

5. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.

→ He said the film had begun at seven o'clock.

6. "Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says.

→ She asks Peter whether he prefers tea or coffee.

7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.

→ She asked him where he had spent his money.

8. "I never make mistakes," he said.

→ He said he never made mistakes.

9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.

→ He wanted to know if she knew Robert.

10. "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.

→ The stuntman advised the audience not to try that at home.

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13.03.2021 12:00
I choose a Project - 'The Trip I Enjoyed very mush'.

I went to Moscow with her parents during the summer holidays. Capital left me with the impression of a huge, great and rich city. I would like to visit it more than once.
Walking through the center, I saw the Kremlin, Red Square and saw the famous Astronomical Clock on the Kremlin tower, which sounds the battle on TV every New Year. But most of all I liked the St. Basil's Cathedral. His brightly colored domes andturrets, he recalled on a magical palace.
In Moscow, a lot of beautiful flower beds and fountains.
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