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02.02.2020 06:52 •  Английский язык

5. she is, it's to study languages.
a) younger, easier; b) more young, more easy; c) the younger, the easier; d) more
younger, more easier
6. My grandparents are not as as they look.
a) older; b) the oldest; c) old; d) oldest
7. It is mistake I've ever made.
a) worse; b) the worst; c) the baddest; d) badder
8. Don't worry about me. I can take care of
a) me; b) myself; c) mine; d) my
9. There an orange, two apples and some cherries on the plate.
a) is; b) -; c) are; d) not
10.The play “Othello” in 1603.
a) is written; b) was written; c) written; d) been written
11. A. Can I have more tea, please?
B. Sure. Help yourself.
a) some; b) any; c) something; d) anything
12. The two desks are exactly the same. I don't see difference between them.
a) some; b) any; c) something; d) anything
13. Tom has friends and they meet quite often.
a) few; b) little; c) a few; d) a little
14. I'm going to buy of bread.
a) a piece; b) a bowl; c) a grain; d) a loaf
15. Physics my favourite subject at school.
a) was; b) were; c) be; d) are
16. How old are ?
a) Chris's childrens; b) Chris' children; c) Chris's children; d) Chris' childrens
17. A. There's somebody at the door, Dad.
B. Ok. I it.
a) am going to open; b) am opening; c) will open; d) open
18. The truth is I hate nothing.
a) do; b) doing; c) to do; d) done
19. What at the moment?
a) do you think of; b) are you thinking of; c) you thinking of; d) you think of
20. This milk is . I can't drink it.
a) too much sour; b) too sour; c) much sour; d) sour enough
21. She the college last year.
a) have entered; b) enter; c) enters; d) entered
22. It stopped three hours ago.
a) rain; b) to rain; c) rained; d) raining
23. A. there?
B. No, I was born in Russia.
a) When were you born; b) Were you born; c) Where were you born; d) Have you
24. Do you know what time ?
a) the film is starting; b) do the film start; c) does the film start; d) the film starts
25. Was the exam easy?
a) Yes, it is; b) Yes, he was; c) Yes, it was; d) Yes, he is
Part II. Vocabulary
Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks:
26. Science is significantly to the development of prospective studies.
a) doing; b) contributing; c) making; d) explaining
27. Sport has great on the social life of people.
a) attempt; b) boundary; c) influence; d) discovery
28. The system is usually stored in ROM (read only memory).
a) hardware; b) software; c) firmware; d) variety
29. Computers can perform a very complicated in a split second.
a) communication; b) computations; c) instructions; d) tasks
30. Copper is
a) an element; b) a compound; c) a mixture; d) a composite material
31. I go to my college
a) by bus; b) on bus; c) in bus; d) at bus
32. There are a lot of books in the
a) shelves; b) bookcase; c) wardrobe; d) furniture
33. The largest of mineral gas were found in Burma some years ago.
a) mineral; b) concentrate; c) deposits; d) plains
34. The UK a territory of the British Isles.
a) comprises; b) separates; c) surrounds; d) flows
35. The industrial is more developed in Europe.
a) manufacturing; b) habit; c) coast; d) surface
36. Russia is the first largest country in the world in
a) area; b) population; c) natural resources; d) coal
37. make our life and work much easier than ever before.
a) tools; b) facts; c) laws; d) rules
38. Modern digital computers deal with .
a) figures; b) quantity; c) data; d) numbers
39. Many tasks performed by people are now done computers.
a) among; b) between; c) of; d) by
40. The United Kingdom doesn't upon other countries.
a) succeed; b) remain; c) depend; d) rely
41. We are proud our country and the President.
a) in; b) to; c) of; d) on
42. Russian rivers include the Volga and the Lena.
a) large; b) total; c) big; d) major
43. for me, I am fond of playing computer games.
a) if; b) as; c) when; d) while
44. Learning languages is his hobby.
a) foreign; b) international; c) native; d) alien
45. Our house is from my mother's firm.
a) near; b) under; c) among; d) far
46. I usually omelet for breakfast.
a) eat; b) cook; c) have; d) make
47. Denis is an child in his family. He has neither brothers nor sisters.
a) only; b) one; c) own; d) -
48. He the exam because he did not revise the notes.
a) failed; b) cheated; c) passed; d) copied
49. My friend has a good job. He wants to a lot of money.
a) make; b) earn; c) owe; d) steal
50. If she isn't watching the TV, please ask her to switch it .
a) up; b) out; c) off; d) on

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06.05.2023 21:10
1.  conservative, it has given me the creeps, wheelchair, easy to knock, wise, childhood, escape, finger, wish, exchange, to give form, to nervous, to argue. 1. на вывеске написано: "не курить".2. брюс сделал знак, что готов уходить.3. я не вижу никаких признаков терпимости в его поведении.4. его знаком является лев.5. что означает этот знак? 3. перефразировать предложения, используя инфинитив.1. я надеюсь, что я смогу найти его дома.2. чтение-это огромное удовольствие.3. есть много работы, что должно быть сделано.4. моя состояла в том, что я должен написать эссе.5. у меня есть большая мечта, что я могу путешествовать.4. перевести предложения в косвенная речь.1. элисон спрашивает: "откуда ты? "2. мать ее спрашивает детей: "кто разбил вазу? "3. сара сказала ему: "не гони слишком быстро! "4. давид сказал: "том вчера прогуливали занятия".5. она сказала сыну: "не переходи дорогу! "6. она спросила вежливо: "можно я возьму твою машину? "7. пит сказал: "я уезжаю в москву на следующей неделе".8. учитель говорит: "запишите дату".9. просил меня: "хочешь бутерброд с мясом или бутерброд с сыром? "10. он сказал ей: "что случилось? "
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14.05.2023 19:09
Early years william shakespeare was an english poet, playwright and actor. he was born in 1564 in stratford-upon-avon. his father, john shakespeare, was a successful artisan. william was the third child in the family. his parents had eight children in total. william shakespeare went to stratford grammar school. in 1582 shakespeare married anne hathaway, who was the daughter of the local landowner. at that time shakespeare was 18 years old and anne was 8 years older than him. in 1583 anne gave birth to their daughter susanna. in 1585 the couple had twins – son hamnet and daughter judith. unfortunately, hamnet, the only son of william shakespeare, died at the age of 11. life in london later shakespeare moved to london. he lived and worked in this city for many years. during that time shakespeare wrote most of his plays and became a successful playwright. his troupe was among the leading playing companies in london. in 1599 a theatre was built on the south bank of the river thames. it was named the globe. this was the theatre where shakespeare's company performed. work at the theatre made shakespeare a wealthy person. he was not only a playwright, he also took part in theatrical performances. later years several years before his death shakespeare moved to stratford.  he died on 23 april 1616. some research shows that at the end of his life he was in poor health. shakespeare’s works among his works there are such masterpieces of the world literature as "romeo and juliet", "a midsummer night's dream", "othello", "king lear", "hamlet" and many others. apart from that shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.  william shakespeare's  influence  extends from theatre and literature to present-day movies,  western philosophy, and the english language itself. ранние годы уильям шекспир был поэтом, драматургом и актером. он родился в 1564 году в городе стратфорд-апон-эйвон. его отец, джон шекспир, был успешным ремесленником. уильям был третьим ребенком в семье. всего у его родителей было восемь детей. уильям шекспир посещал стратфордскую грамматическую школу. в 1582 году шекспир женился на энн хатауэй, дочери местного землевладельца. на тот момент шекспиру было 18 лет, а энн была на 8 лет старше его. в 1583 году энн родила дочь сьюзен. в 1585 году у пары родилась двойня – сын хэмнет и дочь джудит. к сожалению, хэмнет, единственный сын уильяма шекспира, умер в 11 лет. жизнь в лондоне позже шекспир переехал в лондон. он много лет жил и работал в этом городе. в то время шекспир написал большинство своих произведений и стал успешным драматургом. его труппа была одной из лучших в лондоне. в 1599 году на южном берегу темзы был построен театр. его назвали "глобус". в этом театре выступала труппа шекспира. работа в театре сделала шекспира состоятельным человеком. он был не только драматургом, он также принимал участие в театральных представлениях.  последние годы за несколько лет до своей смерти шекспир переехал в стратфорд. он умер 23 апреля 1616 года. некоторые исследования свидетельствуют о том, что в конце жизни шекспир болел. творчество шекспира среди его работ – такие шедевры мировой , как "ромео и джульетта", "сон в летнюю ночь", "отелло", "король лир", "гамлет" и многие другие. кроме того, шекспир написал 154 сонета.  влияние работ уильяма шекспира огромно: от театра и до современного кинематографа, западной философии и языка в целом.
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